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Everything posted by MARBLEMISER

  1. How about a top for a walking stick,ie. cane? just a wag on my part. neat item BTW marblemiser
  2. Sorry, to say Rich. Your's is a definite MK Sorry, guy, but that's what I see too. MK all tha way. The colors are a dead give away. It's a Bumble Bee, Girl Scout Hybird. Nothing less, nothing more. marblemiser
  3. just made mine worth less. thanks marblemiser
  4. Yeah, what is it aboul the hand made?? It looks like the original surface to me.. There's a small dimple near the pontil, that would have been gone if it has been polished?? Nice find BTW marblemiser
  5. marble people are kwaazy>> Takes one to know one. Holy CAC swirl> Robin I think I hear the Penguin??? NEAT!!! WAAH!WAAHWAAH. marblemiser
  6. The year you were born?? 1802 ?? No wonder it wouldn't un fold>>>>> kidding marblemiser
  7. by bigjohn691500 You are right in thinking that Smitty did name the Blue Angel. Then it took off from there. The Blue Variant was one of the first to be offered at auction Alan called it a variant. MCS vs.Miller swirl type of thing? Somewhere there's a yellow Angel? marblemiser just
  8. Just a bit off topic. Just for fun. For a change, This is the type dog they Fight in Pits Pit Bull Terrier. Why this type? Because they're BULL HEADED. And WON'T quit. This is what one looks like after a run in with a porcupine (sp?) That's gotta hurt? I don't know what the other guy looks like? The Vet removed orer a THOUSAND QUILLS. Wanna bet he's bald??? The dog took a while but survived. .He can guard my mibs anytime. Thanks & think Spring. marblemiser
  9. Those might be what Alan (marblealan) called variant Angels. Although rare, not as rare as the TAN or MUDDY base glass. This one is a Citrus Angel I didn't name it. But I do own it> Let's see some more Angel types? http://www.ebay.com/...=item3cc409ee66 First Red Angel sold for $330.00 alan's auction Blue Variant sold for $425.00 alan's auction Look like Red $59. 00 un known? Pair Red $316.00 alan's auction Smitty's Blue Angel $621.00 alan's auction The Blue Variant was one of the first to be offered by Alan at auction he named it. FWIW like the thread & the mibs. Dani & Ernie get the good stuff!! Thanks marblemiser
  10. Cheryl, You are truly Alan's angel. Bless you for taking such care with our friend. Bless Alan and may he be at peace. marblemiser
  11. I'm not seeing too many beat up battered marbles here? Most of these mibs have never seen combat on the playing field. Just because they're vintage doesn't mean they have to be beat & battered. IMHO marblemiser
  12. He also posted that it is not a cyclone. according to CACMIKE> that should about sum it up marblemiser
  13. WOW!!!!!!!!! What a great find, Too bad that finds like that in the U.S. are few & far between. Thanks for showing them. marblemiser
  14. I have some Navarre bullseyes that show red when back lit too? great topic thanks for starting it. marblemiser
  15. Thanks Galen, For some reason I thought they were at one time considered CAC? Of course Alley isn't a bad thing> Thanks again, I might have a few CAC's that you might be interested in, at the show. marblemiser
  16. Galen, What are the Gray & yellow ones in the second row from the left? And what is the value? Thanks marblemsier
  17. Not something you see everyday, for sure. Love the mibs. Like the display ( neat ) to say the least. thanks for giving me more mibs to look for!!
  18. Heck I didn't see the one listed on ebay. It'would be worth the listing & shipping just to have a good box. And a few cracks aren't hurting a thing<<<.. Thanks for posting it . Maybe I'll give it a shot? The one in Canada has a shipping prob.$61.00? Wow that's a bunch. thanks again, marblemiser
  19. Steph, it's not actually an auction. The price is $75.00. That's not bad, with the original box. Amazing what one can do when one puts they're mind to it??? Thanks again marblemiser
  20. bagatelle game | eBay Vintage Three Keys To Treasure "Win A Prize" Bagatelle ... Location: USA . ... Hasbro African Hunt Bagatelle Table Game 1969. Location: USA . Feedback: ... www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_nkw=bagatelle+game Three Keys To Treasure Bagatelle (1961) made by Marx Well I went to google & this was the result of my search. Thing is I can't find any listings with this game. BUT THERE HAVE BEEN! So maybe this will help?? I found it! http://www.timewarptoys.com/games.htm thanks again Steph for your help/ marblemiser
  21. Hi Steph, The one you have pictured is a flat board construction. The one in my question looks like a miniture pinball game. Like the ones found in arcades. They must really be rare as none of the board members has chimed in. I'm hoping that someone knows something. It's hard to value something that's unknown? Thank's again Steph for looking for me, marblemiser
  22. Hi Steph, Some reason the link didn't load for me. It sent me to another site. Any how It's much later than 1939. I'd say late 50's or 60's. The game is a smaller version of the regular Pin Ball game. Something youwould set on a table top> It has flippers & several marbles. All of which are MK double patch. They are like the red, white, & blue patches, that MK made in 76. Only the marbles in the game have red, green,& brown patches among other colors. It's about the same length as the old metal pin games that had wood backs. this one sets on 4 plastic legs. and is enclosed in a plastic shell. They must be rare if you haven't heard of or seen one. I have 2. One with a partial box. Both have the full compliment of prizes.. The box picture's children dressed as Pirates. sorry still no pics. thanks for your help. marblemiser
  23. Hi all Just wondering if anyone knows something about this game? It looks like a table top pinball game. It has what looks like MK double patch marbles. When three marbles line up in the tumblers of a lock. There's a key on the side that turns & opens the top giving the player a prize. Anyone know what one of these games would be valued at? Steph have you seen any of these in your research? sorry no pics Thanks marblemiser
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