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Everything posted by MARBLEMISER
I found a few to add. more to come. I hope. thanks for posting this thread. It makes me want to keep looking > marblemiser
Thanks Ric. That will take the guess work out of it. Thanks again. marblemiser
I know where it is, but I drive several miles around town looking for it. (the hotel) Address would be great then I gan blamegetting lost on my GPS> Thanks in advance. Anything to save on gas. marblemiser
About 15 years ago I was talking to my dentist about marbles. He like many other people at that time was clueless as to any value at all. So, I went thru my catseyes ( cause those are the ones he remembered ) And picked out the most prettiest ( Hybirds ) I could find. I had a pint mason jar full 128 in all, some knockout mibs. I gave them to him. I wonder if I can get them back$$$?? marblemiser
Free shipping .YEAH!!
My turn. This run and all the runs before were SPECIAL runs. I was caught up in the hype that they would NEVER be run again!!!!!! I paid $300.00 FOR 35 SPECIAL run marbles ( in a SPECIAL RUN BOX ) of course. I offered them up for sale thinking I could recoupe my investment.. just to break even/ The other collector one from this board ( shall remain nameless ). Drove several miles to buy them. I said they were in their original box, for $300.00. The collector looked at the SPECIAL RUN BOX and asked me where were the rest? I said that's it. He was thinking I had a 25 pound box for sale $300.00. Do I feel like a fool?? Yes. Am I a fool YES. A fool & his money are soon parted. The reason I put out the kind of money I did was ( I thought ) an investment. Boy was I wrong. Well they say fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Ya'll can enjoy your SPECIAL RUNS. And I'll enjoy being miserly. I'm sure the SPECIAL RUNS will never end. But this is one miser that was bit once. That makes me twice shy. That's my story & i'm sticking to it. marblemiser
Looks new to me. more views would help. marblemiser
Perfect Circle Marble Header
MARBLEMISER replied to MARBLEMISER's topic in General Marble & Glass Chat
Hi Al The first bag left looks like the one I have. don't think they're fantasy though. Thanks again for your response. marblemiser -
Perfect Circle Marble Header
MARBLEMISER replied to MARBLEMISER's topic in General Marble & Glass Chat
Thanks Ric. marblemiser -
Hi all I just found in my digs a marble bag with the header PREFECR CIRCLE MARBLES It has 7 marbles 6 catseyes 1 patch. Any ideas as to the MFG? The cat eyes look like St. Mary's?? Any help is welcome. It is for sale also. no pics sorry thanks marblemiser
Yep, that's me. So named at the begining of my contact's with some of the most well known int the marble biz. I had two collectors come to my house to look at my collection. At that time I had over ten thousand marbles in Un, sorted. jars every where The fact is I hand't sold one marble till that time. The first part of our conversation started like this. " looks more like a miser's collection." That's when I adopted the handle MARBLEMISER. When they left, I had two new friends in the marble world. I don't know what happened to one of them his name is Mike Z. The other is a well known published in every marble book you can buy. Brian Estepp. The fact is that I did not hide my knowledge under a basket. I shared it with anyone that asked. Not caring wether I benifited from it or not. It's really hard to find people that want to talk about marbles. Then offer feed back, that's what I felt I would have. Someone that had a pasion for their beauty, colors, the complex way of the handmade's that was what I looked for. Someone to share with, not to turn them into a worse horader of marbles than I was.. I say was. If you look at my feedback on ebay. You will see where I did move them along to a lot of good homes. Also I purchased a lot for my own collection. Now it is time to move them along again. I have some that I will still be miserly with. But no one I know sell's their fav's. Not at least till they're no longer here, to grasp them. marblemiser : a mean grasping person; especially : one who is extremely stingy with money Anyone in the marble biz know's that I only fit one of these definitions. I am anything but mean. or grasping. But the latter is me ten fold. I'm tighter than bark on a tree> And that's the only reason I have the marble collection I own today. Nothing comes cheap or easy. You have to earn every bit of it. That's what I did & that's what I do. So I wear the marblemiser handle proudly, It was given to me by one of the most well known people on the world of marbles. So if you ask me about marbles, I may have an answer. And I'm willing to share what I know, FREE. If you ask me for money. The bank makes loans. That's my story & I'm sticking to it> marblemiser
Actually no. I'm not kidding. Everyone that I helped early on in there newbie stage. Save one has ever called to offer anything for sale or trade. Oh, they'll sell them to someone else & then tell me about it. But I have never been offered first refusal. Also, at auctions when I would bid on something, they would run the bid. Why? And this is from one of the guy's I helped. " because I don't want him to get it for a steal" Yep, that's a fact. Then when I got it. Tthe runner up would ask me how high I was going to go & what I thought it was worth??? Oh, yeah. If someone is willing to pay me to teach them I'd take the money. It seems that what I know isn't even worth a phone call. Although Not every marble person is like the select few that I helped. Thank goodness. There are more good apples in the barrel. than the ones that use you up then forget where they got there knowledge That's my story & I'm sticking to it. marblemiser
Yep, I'll be at the Canton show. This time I'm comming alone. Last time I brought non marble people I had to leave at 10:00 pm. I didn't even get started & they were ready to go. I'll have some good stuff for sale too. I'll be the one in a Cowboy hat. So bring lots & lots of $$$$$ LOL marblemiser
Hi flyball, I would be happy to charge you to learn about marbles.(LOL) I have helped several people learn what marbles were made by what MFG. Shown them the common ones & the rare ones too. Then as soon as you have them to your level, you can bid against them at auctions, look at the marbles they bought in a room at a show that you would have purchased if you didn't help them to know what you know, And forget about getting anything from them that you might not have, because you want it they'll keep it. At least thet's been my learning session's. Sad thing is it hasn't been limited to just one,but many of my pupils.. So at least if you're willing to pay, sign me up. marblemiser
About Ready To Give Up On Live Marble Auctions
MARBLEMISER replied to hdale7's topic in General Marble & Glass Chat
hdale7 I have had some dealings with live auctions too. It's seems that what I wanted, so does everyone else! I've seen Mexico marbles that look like high end Pelts. bring $275.00 for a group that was salted with a Super man look alike and a Golden Rebel look alike. Also I've tried selling jars of marbles,along with handmades & sulphides. At the same auction house & took a beating. Good luck trying to beat the system. I've tried & failed. Also selling on e bay takes too much time for a small return. I feel your pain. marblemiser -
It's been awhile since these have seen the light of day. hope they're not too boring. So, here are a few of my favs. thanks for looking & ALL of the great marble pics. marblemiser
I had one with Obama on it. Lost it in a water hazard!!!!!!! marblemiser
Not fishing? Chuming is more like it. Throw enough bait in the water & something's going to bite. Too bad the cost is out of pocket money. With no chance to re-coop . Kinda like beany babies. Sad really sad. IMHO marblemiser
Yep!! All $$$$ marblemiser
Doesn't Anyone Educate Themselves
MARBLEMISER replied to lstmmrbls's topic in General Marble & Glass Chat
Are you sure it's not real??? I've had mine questioned. By some respected know it all's. Since Ive had them for over 20 years. I think I'm sure? So I've decieded not to ask anyone anymore. If you've seen them in hand there's no question wether they are real or not. So that's the way it is. On this day Feb 2 1987??? Good Day. marblemiser -
Need 5 Or 6 Gray Chinese Checker Marbles
MARBLEMISER replied to richsantaclaus's topic in General Marble & Glass Chat
A pic with the preferred color & a size may help?? FWIW marblemiser