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Everything posted by LevvyPoole

  1. My 9 yr old son really likes finding any cold rolls, so I've given him this one for his collection. Along with a paticularly amusing Jabo...
  2. Yeah, just received it today, will give it a wash and see what comes up, ta
  3. Measures 11/16, not come across anything like this so far, any ID and information greatly appreciated.
  4. These came in a lot together, and I love them both. It looks like the wonky one has small metallic patches, my son said it looks like copper, might he be right?
  5. Thanks, I think that's what I originally thought, but was thrown off by the size.
  6. Such a lovely trio, any ideas of maker? 3/4 size
  7. And just in case it's another clue to anyone- I'm pretty sure these came in the same mixed lot that I purchased, along with the other groups I've posted about today, querying whether they were vitro MK or something else.
  8. Yeah, I spotted that, argh!
  9. And I can't fully decipher all the information in this thread but I think we may be getting closer...
  10. Hmmmm - just found this in all about marbles - another direction to go in 🤔
  11. And these pictures are a sample, trying to demonstrate the variety. I've done 3 pictures for each pair on display.
  12. So these are all the ones of this type I have, broken down into groups according to colour combination.
  13. A similar but different pair...
  14. Ok, thanks for feedback. Here are better pictures. I'm not very experienced with sizing but these seem just shy of 3/4.
  15. And I've taken this one from a different group as I think it belongs with these...
  16. Right - photos re-done. I'm pretty sure the big one (just over 1") is, and because the shades match so well with some of the other ones (3/4), they seem to link together?
  17. Thanks for the reply and enthusiasm with this head scratcher. I did do the pictures in a bit if a hurry as I was hoping it might just be obvious to someone out there. I'll do ones with better light and more angles today.
  18. And thanks, yeah, I should pop some more detailed pictures on.
  19. Whoops, thanks for pointing that out, tigers eye is what I meant. I'll try and edit...it's been a long day
  20. Just to add - I've got about 30 that fit this group, this is an example of another of the colour combinations.
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