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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. yep, i'm pretty close to those thoughts galen. but just can't imagine what their purpose was ?? the holes go about 2" in, but not all the way thru. insert hole for a ... hanging weight ... ?? thanks again all for your input .... bill
  2. thanks for the reply's ... steph .. yep on the holes and flat spots ... either .. s.b. or possibly s.d. .... and i can't make out yet what images might be on the bottom of 1 ... louping it ... on the bead angle ... being as big as they are ... what possible usuage would there be for them ?? galen, on the new ... i know they look .. shiny .. but so do some of my confirmed akron's. is it because of all the blowouts and crude construction ? i rolled them next to the 1's i have and they fit rite in. looks, patterns of the blu ... if ... new, what in the world would such a crude piece be used for ? and the small came with the 2 big 1's. any more thoughts appreciated ... thanks ... bill
  3. .................. ................. ............. uhhhhhh ... would i like to possess that .... excellant ... bill
  4. i .. think these are akron ... but such size and all the anomolies in construction ... got me scratching ... over 2 1/2" + .... messed up throwaways ??? ... drilled holes ... the signature ???????? .. somebody please ... enlighten me ... thanks for input ... bill ......... be multiple attachments ... sorry ...
  5. sad news for sure. condolences to bert's family .. r.i.p. ........ bill
  6. sparks are a favorite. still searching for the 1 with aventurine ... bill
  7. ........... another good day .. enjoy ... ............ bill
  8. .... .... har .. yes he is griff ......... bill
  9. yep ... alley .. ... bill ......... oops ... wrong pics
  10. looks to be akro patches. found in bunches with varying patterns and at various sites at sistersville. bill
  11. ........... ........ yes edna ... since i arrived .. always a welcome smile whatever door i walked thru .... grabbin the good times ... bill
  12. only 2 at a time .... thanks for looking ......... bill
  13. ed nd millie parsons nd paul nd linda simmons ... left the door unlocked .. .. ..... enjoyed the activity and saw some more good glass ..... a few of the run ... bill ........ multiple posts .....
  14. . and how many of those have i by-passed ......... ........... bill
  15. .............. ...................... bill
  16. some delightful alley... .... weepee's .. 11/32" ... few 3/8" ....... bill
  17. ........ little 1's from ottowa .. bill
  18. ... some alley wee's .... bill
  19. some reminders of fall activities coming up .. bill
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