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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. hmmmmm .... 2nd. pic .. bottom left ... is that a .. ... hmmm ... show me more sides daaaaave ....
  2. items from a collector in ottowa who has passed . bill
  3. ouch .. ouch .... uhhh ... ahhhhh .... what can i say ... beauties ... fine pics ... nite all .. bill
  4. sometimes an air bubble will resemble a metallic appearance with it's placement. bill
  5. hmmmm ... going somewhere .. bill .....
  6. possibly vitro " horseshoe" kitties. yes on the size. bill
  7. our government .. sic .. wanted l.e. alley to go to japan, to lazy to go get the date, he refused on health reasons ... art fisher allowed a mexican contigent to tour his plant. no camera's allowed ... they just memorized all they could and took the knowledge back to mexico and ... we see some of the results of that " visit" . dates are there, like i said ... lazy tunite . bill
  8. i also noticed that i have more data mining and anoyance, sp., pop-up's , being blocked also on p.b. ... 8-14 .. much more than other . com's sites. arrrr ... trip to the p.c. doc ... lol .... bill
  9. got a situation here with p.b. ... i log in and go to my albums ... clik to turn to next page ... walaaa ... it then kiks me OFF the internet ??? i go back in , and keeps doing the same thing. everwhere else i go to on the internet .. it's o.k. .. no virus warnings anywhere. this just started happening ... ran all my cleaners and virus stuff ... any thoughts on this or .... just take it in bill ... ..... thanks for the thoughts ... bill
  10. i need to get over to clarksburg and see if i can get some early info. from r. hardy concerning his knowledge, if any, on who was doing the mixing in those days. verrrry interesting thread. thanks ... bill
  11. ................. ... ... ...... .......... arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  12. yes they did ann... and i'm still trying to find them and kik their butts ... ... and, with the co. background .. as it were ... probably true of your ending statement ..... egads ... what fieldlers formula's could have still be producing ..... bill
  13. i like them too..... same run .. i.m.o. .. fits in with the .. miller .. description. technically incorrect, but has been used for yrs. for a specific description to a pattern. bill
  14. good thought, i totally agree that would be a solid business practice in every aspect, but i've not run across any documentation, not to say there aren't any, or samples of ... what you are saying, from any of the other marble makers ... peltier ... akro .. etc. ... or heard conversations relating to this. most co.'s had formula books .. some ... invoices ... personal communications ... inter-office ... documents that survived .. but not much did. are we waiting for another .. sample case discovery ... ?? of another co. ?? .. bill
  15. nice ... i like them also ... bill
  16. ............ ..... ...... ...... ....... .............
  17. this is the base i consider a true cow ... bill
  18. yes .. yes ... mr. griffina ... ......... ready with the b.s. bag and a worn out shovel .... seeya ... bill
  19. be real nice dave to see that box ..... bill ......... still sitting in ... loveland .... lol .... .....
  20. excellant thread, but as with the other threads on this ... still " opinions " and no real factual foundation for fake or real c.a."s. obvious questions ... records of the co. that did the work or city records of the work done, time's ... dates ... invoices ... in the " discovery " .. are basic questions that haven't been answered .... good opinions on both sides tho, but will always stay as it is now ... ?????? .... until " real " research is done, or, more than what has. don r. was a start .... secrets .. john m. .... when i entered this wonderful journey they were there ... and still exist. information is withheld to protect one's turf or ... MONEY ... which is usually the reason ... too bad. learning is what i'm after. i spend what i have ..... but not on the " exotics " ... didn't fit in hannibal, when jeff and rick h. walked in with them ... and don't now. john m. ... those are some outstanding examples you have in that box. superbbbbbbb ..... bill
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