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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. .......... ................
  2. and they threw these away ... ................
  3. j.m.o. ... c.a. went to ravenswood to stop the competition with a sledgehammer ... after that .. they knew they couldn't stop the brilliant mind and innovation of l.e. alley ... bill
  4. old 1 1/4" m.k. kitties .... and a few extra's .... bill
  5. ........... ............. wow ............................
  6. arrrr ... another bubble busted ... ...... miller's gone ... and now .. the 1st. word of these to me was .. a snake bill ... or are they ... spirals, according to ... .... bill
  7. down deep yrs. ago and a favorite ..... bill
  8. ........ try this ... http://www.ebay.com/sch/rabbitransales/m.html?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEFSXS%3AMESOI&_trksid=p2053788.m1543.l2654
  9. i was always able to post pics and no issue. now, all the pics that i try and post .. won't ... too large. and i'm not too smart with resizing. too bad, i enjoyed posting things ..... bill ................. a storm came thru ... ???? don't know if that had an effect ???? try again ..........
  10. my monitor isn't picking up the true colors on your's, but are the colors similiar to these ? bill
  11. at least the ... marbles ... look real. saw that on the bay, i think, awhile back and had the same opinion then ... nope ... bill
  12. of my boxes .. only 2 .. have what i think are original dividers. they are thin strips of paper that are crimped from top to bottom in an " s" pattern from the marbles rolling against them over the years. and color is dulled from age. the 1's referred to here are, looks like, strips of thicker cardboard like material. no bends from the marbles on the strips. they are straight. new looking. enjoy the day .... bill
  13. yep, cerise box looks fine, to me, .. worn .. corners look original ... mibs .. look .. cerise .. kinda have to have those up close, for me , to i.d. but that other box just doesn't fit with what i've seen or heard of. and for me, it looks like something i would put together. kinda .. sloppy ... dividers ... corners looked glued ... and that .. purse .... nope, not for me .. ... bill .... oops .. dividers on gropper are new ...
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