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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. looking good on the onions and maglite, i think .... value ALWAYS depends on condition .... close-ups ... are very helpful .... bill
  2. ........... green n blue ... ... with av. ...
  3. had to throw this in there ..... bill ........ orange ....
  4. ......... my solution ... deleted p.b. ............. ....... other sites .... bill
  5. looks mostly vitro .. and maybe a cairo ...
  6. from the 1's i have .. 21/32" .. and to 5/8". but never any indication from anywhere of a comic this big. he had a 1" previously. obvious NOT .. a comic. j.m.o. .... bill
  7. ............. interesting ... ................http://www.ebay.com/itm/Peltier-Comic-Bimbo-15-16-M-Vintage-Marble-Gest1230-P299-/152559265398?hash=item23853da676:g:QaUAAOSwaEhZJH5A ..................... .
  8. i've seen towel holders with 1 marble. these hold .. something .. possibly ... bill
  9. been awhile since i got these ... all large, guessing around $50. or so. bill
  10. big 1's are hard for me to find ... bill
  11. got it done steph and thanks for your time in this .... .... bill
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