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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. sorry to hear this. good man and always friendly ... r.i.p. tom ..... bill
  2. backside, different corking for sure .................. .................
  3. put some up if there's an interest ... thanks ... bill .. http://www.ebay.com/itm/132070244414?ul_noapp=true
  4. ............... ....................
  5. thanks for moving ad .. and thoughts..... thought it had to go b.s.t. .... bill
  6. brian g. is the man on these. had an opportunity at a whole set from him ... snoozed ...
  7. ............. http://www.ebay.com/itm/132022325942?ul_noapp=true ......... have some on the bay that you might like. thanks .. bill
  8. know a seller who does same. his reply was ... ins. .... handling .. etc. B.S. ... he blocked me .. as i did him .. ... bill
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