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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. getting to be alot of names for me .. would be nice to see the " list " and a description and matching pic in the .. peltier ... book in the making. kinda like a visual update ... ........ bill
  2. ......... he still is trying to go peltier ????????????? sillyness .... bill http://www.ebay.com/itm/One-Vintage-Marble-Rare-Peltier-Volleyball-100-filled-w-Aventurine-83-128-/251810260811?pt=Marbles&hash=item3aa10fa74b
  3. . ............ ottowa ....... bill
  4. uuuuuueeeeee dave ... nice job ... can't really see how you baked that clay to look glassy ... .... wouldn't mind having that pile dave ... ........ bill
  5. 15/16" translucent x-mas tree ..........
  6. another of pennsboro .... bill ..........
  7. ....... meller- golden yeller .... yum-yum ...............
  8. big 1's are out there ... but get snatched up quick ... bill ..... 15/16" ..........
  9. the darker base is so h.t.f. where the lighter base, minus the orange shade, are easier to find. les gave me the dark 1 in hannibal yrs. ago. yet to find another of similiar ... bill
  10. had a good time at cairo in years past. it's a .. jungle .. now. inaccesable and a very touchy spot to approach. my venture at a lease was rudely .. rebuffed .. ........ bill
  11. steph .. i want to say 60's or 80's har .., i was told, but memory went ... and haven't located proof of that time frame yet. the ravens and alley's and chrissies, that i've seen, are much more bold and bright striping .. champ is still my .. default .. pick on " don't know's ... bill
  12. probably champ steph ... dull colors ... bill
  13. definately alley and what a surprise finding it there. and being of that quality, i would think that more of this caliber could possibly be rolling around also. blu's are h.t.f. no doubt, more so with the blu in the pic .. a peewee ........ bill
  14. thanks for the thoughts brian .. folks ..... arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ... hopes are dashed, but still curiosity has got me. something to hold a bath towel on ... something to throw at that mean dog comin at me .. ... be safe and enjoy your day ......... bill
  15. hmmmmmm .. chuck g. mentioned that .... be a bulky 1 tho .... bill
  16. yea-yea .... what he said. yuk-yuk .... and i got that idea from ... iowa ... and i could view .. some .. if i go there. NO .... and no galen, my referance was solely to their .. similiarty to akron color, pattern etc. not specific to an akron example. ........... how about a kitchen item. old crock wash basins had simiiar colors and splotchy patterns. saw them at grandparents long ago. i gotta find out what these are .... ............... no problem ron ... because i'm not gonna buy another ladder ... .. ..... bill
  17. wooooooooo ... i gotta see where it was made ... who made this .... how .... methods ...... naw .. that's a l.e. alley .... a fiedler ..... much did go on across the pond ... .... what a fine example .... oh ..wouldn't it be nice to find where the rejects went .. ... if any ... .. bill
  18. ......... https://www.google.com/search?q=darning+egg&espv=2&biw=1340&bih=605&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=V8CgVJrEHMurgwT9pIHgBQ&ved=0CE8Q7Ak ................ here is a link to a possible answer. i'm looking at .. darning eggs. bill
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