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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. i would think it was the blue. white is normal, and there's green .. orange .. a tannish ... a man from il. has what is believed the best know examples of all the comics. the rarest .. his grandmother packaged them .. :happy-857: ... bill
  2. oh, i know it was wrong galen .. but what a blooper for morphy's .. marble i.d. experts to make. and who paid this amount for the marble ??? all of mine from alan never came close to this price. none ... wonder if any of morphy's people ever come here and see what collectors think of their tactics ?? .. ........... bill
  3. did peltier make a .. porcelfrit .. advertising marble .. as akro did ? $420.00 paid for the 1 at morphy's .. ?? bill
  4. well ... good artists get the label because they make .. good art . people know their name. seems natural they receive .. good money .. for their efforts. what's unbelievable about that ? maybe more self-promotion on the other artist's will get him-her out there to be on par .. .. bill
  5. thanks for the thoughts. glazed or un-glazed is the easy part on china's for me. too much talent in the fakes is also obvious . and no problem with opinions popeyecollector ... bill
  6. not much interest shane ...............
  7. from the scenic examples to the variety of lesser patterns .. would the glazed .. or un-glazed .. examples cost me more ?? bill
  8. see ... learn something every day ... wasn't aware that ... PELTIER ... made the .... porcelfrit advertising marble .. .... ..... .... bill
  9. back at ya nanc .. tried to contact you on this and kept getting a ... tone on the phone ??? is it just .. me .. ... give a grin ... bill
  10. har .. how well i know craig. enjoy your find and .. eyes open .. ... bill
  11. pretty neat find craig ... has it found a home ... bill
  12. about the same as ric is showing edna. bigger is better .. stoneware stuff ... hope all is well ...
  13. hmmmmm ... i would think .. those ... would be very good bargaining .. material ric .. bring em ...
  14. excellant examples ... i'm into those also .. bill
  15. thanks paul ... patience and persistence .. .... .... bill
  16. paul .. downloaded photoscape .. and i find this program much easier than photoexplosion on many points. still in the initial .. trial and error .. mode and trying to find the solid backgrounds. your site is exceptional ... thanks for the direction ... bill
  17. excellant photo's and assemblage all .. jeeperman ... very nice .. bill
  18. hmmmm .... still haven't received a responce as to .. why .. my multiple registrations weren't accepted, and with the condecinding responce you just gave concerning a legitimate problem," dirty laundry" .. " valuable investment" , remark , don't be concerned about my registration. heck, every board has had remarks about morphy's auction done in the public forum. alan had his mistakes brought forth ... why should your venture be any differant jeff ? people spend hard earned money at auction and .. most want to be informed about the reliablility of the situation. bill
  19. registered ... 3 ... times yet heard nothing back. no bid # ... nada ... oh well ... bill
  20. looking forward to your auction. registered online, but haven't received any confirmation or bid # .... will i need this to participate ? bill
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