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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. lived in the san fernando valley in early 70's ... got used to it. was playing army when the big 1 hit in, i think, '71, ever see the movie .. 2012 .. har .... hmmmmm ... bill
  2. what a fine example of peltier quality ... bill
  3. would if i did mon ... but i backed up when i first saw them. too much hype .. too much " push" to sell them .. gotta get 1 now ... yea, too whoever can do it .... split 1 and see ... shut the speculation ... up ... the story is no better now than it was then .... bill
  4. hit that nail rite on the head steve .. i was at hannibal when they walked in the door ... head scratchin... hmmmm's ..... pretty things ... same show ole me didn't recognise that graycoat .... and les snapped it up ... i don't forget stuff like that ... and the 6-8 names associated with their " bringing out" are all recognizable .... pretty glass to be sure .. but as i said ... break 1 up and lets see what they are. settle the arguement , for sure. damaged 1 for experiment .. ????? bill
  5. good luk with that steph ... seems not to many want to show these little pretties and have them " dissected" as to .. are they real or ... not. and there has, to my knowledge, been no glass analysis done to give another insight to these. is there a reason .. why not ?? never can get definative with these other than personal testimony. money well spent ... or .. .... bill
  6. clear, color based champion jr's .. ??? bill
  7. mm .. few yrs. back, mint patches, like yours, went for the $10-20 range. i wish i had kept the pretties now ... nice to collect, but not much value .... bill
  8. enuf already .. 1 runs into floor joyce and the other won't pull over when he's supposed too ... after hearing such good things about ya recently galen ... u know where to roll em .. .... ... bill
  9. i try hard ric ... to be presentable and uhh ... and .. uhh ... ... tolerableeee .. bill
  10. wonder if alan knows if his pic has been morphed .. ... bill
  11. thanks again fellow mibsters ... good thoughts are felt here ... hope to see ya in canton ... bill .... yea grif ... got caught at that .. 2-3 times a year. sound reprimand ..
  12. yuk-yuk ... carbon dating .. that's good .. .. only when i walk in the va doors .. it's a good day folks .. thanks for the thoughts ... raining and a free supper comin ... bill
  13. there are several co.'s that have the same to similiar colors. on the orange, akro comes to mind with all the color tones they used. don't think that the miller can justify the frit just by the base. and akro was into the experimental big time also. j.m.o. ... bill
  14. innovations in machinery and techniques have been coming out of reno for several years now. an american company is still functioning and viable. people are learning, and employed, still, and the proof is in the product. and surprises are still being formulated and put to the test. i can't wait. and .. if i had my way, i would be just down the road ... everday ... and all this talk about money and investment potential ... and how jabo has a negative effect ... BULL ... protecting selfserving interests is not a valid arguement for me. buying a vintage or contemp. marbles, regardless of value, for me, is solely an issue of .. do i have enuf money and ... do i want it. i've NEVER bought for investment. altho some have turned into a value that surprises me ... i'll probably continue on as before. the old masters techniques haven't been figured out .. yet. testing and the new ideas coming from jabo should never be slowed down. they should be encouraged and promoted. and are being done so by some very intelligent and responsible people ... i'm waiting for some more to just spin me around ... ... bill
  15. even when guy told the story to me,and he agreed, it didn't hold .. ANY .. water then .. and doesn't now .. wasn't a lik of proof on anything ... j.m.o... bill
  16. have a good 1 and keep them alleys rollin .. ... bill
  17. MARBELOUS ........... :happy-857: ... bill
  18. .. yada-yada-yada ... guess more samples needed .. huh .. ron .. .. i know a volunteer ... more of that cullet just waiting ... .. bill
  19. high quality and appeal in both makers .. i'll take em both .... ... bill
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