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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. i think they are h.t.f. compared to the ox's steve. but a whacked out ox is hard to pass up .... bill
  2. egads ... is that a clean looking marble .... niceeee ... bill
  3. yep .. they are steve ... nice find ... bill
  4. har ... not much more needed to be added .. except the personal motives .. of the originator of this thread ... of " stirring" the pot .. with assumptions instead of .. on the ground " facts" ... and galen .. name the " salters" ... and QUIT .. blowing hot air ... bill
  5. thanks for the effort jeff ... lukin good ... bill
  6. some similiar dug examples ... bill
  7. check the show dates here for the cairo and wvmcc show coming up in may. excellant way to get going ... enjoy. bill
  8. and i was having a gud time too .... always .. helpful .. .. bill
  9. well hell griff ... when you follow that hatchery truck around ... whatdoyaEXPECT ... .... .... .... billlllll
  10. hmmmm .. too many opinions on this glass .. for a morphy item ... it should be .. it is ... not ALL these questions .. ... ... ... bill
  11. hmmmmmmmmm ... could be from this place ... with the pics shown so far ... j.m. o. ... bill
  12. they did turn some nice patterns. if the water comes up again, har ... many more cairo's will show up ... bill
  13. i've knocked the dirt off some that do glo ric. as u know, i can't get a pic of them now, but ... they do .. bill
  14. joe w. email's with these links have been so consistent, that i had to block his mail. i fear the puter anyhow and with these virus's, i don't do much with it anymore ... bill
  15. same here ... also one from joe wilkerson .... just the link ... and the trojan ... DON'T ... open. bill
  16. no fear here griff ... darla has the air hose and the .. shadow has the bucket ready .. .... bill
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