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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. when i saw these .. flashback .. the first w.v.m.c.c. show ... if these are the same, and they look it .. were sold to joe wilkerson .. and 15 min. later he was told they were .. jabo's. cherry red base with the spiral. and the sellers from clarksburg were removed from the show within hrs. i mailed this seller ... and was " really" assured they were the real-deal. roadshow appraisal and all .... bill
  2. just 1 fine example of alley's dani. thanks. bill
  3. i agree with what you say gregg. the only 2 places i know of are the discussion boards and by word of mouth. the boards, which i've seen many warnings about a bad .. something .. being posted on many occasions. and appreciated by many. what my thought is that NOT everybody is as smart as ... some .. and if there's a bummer coming in the door .. I would like to know about it. before somebody gets nailed, me,you .. and hearing a lame remark .. ya shouda known ?? well, yea .. but do i .. you .. need to get nailed to wise up ... when the knowledge is there to prevent it ??? end of this for me. marble on. bill
  4. thanks for the responce on this hansel.but i do, and still think a statement should have come out long before people spent big $ on these. as have many warnings been put out on the boards. and, for me, there is no " elites" on the boards. it's supposed to be a community situation for the benefit of all. sure, people get taken left and right, because of .. whatever ... uninformed .. ignorance ... deception .. but when there's a chance to head this off, it should be taken. period. responsibility, hell yes, ... people need to know a train's coming ... i just bought some .. i don't know's .. but i do know they are vintage. not new. no tricks involved there. and the spoon-fed comment .. kinda condensending don't you think ??? i guess it's buyer beware especially from .. whom .. bill
  5. my point was and is .. a comment about this from the people involved .. not supporting comments ... would settle alot of what has been said here. getting somebody to speak for you don't stop speculation. stepping up would. stones aren't being thrown here, but being aware that these were out there, and who was involved, would, if nothing else, saved a couple of people some bucks. alot of bucks ... i gave that bird a look also. educate urselves is the first rule .. but a heads-up would be nice also. done on this. bill ....
  6. totally with you on this craig. the light started shining on an untouchable, and nobody wants to follow up on why these were commisioned in the first place. and why .. nobody .. was alerted to this. whatever happened to folks alerting others to a situation .. before they spend big bucks .. on new glass .. skunks abound .. bill
  7. gene .. bill bass and art jones handle the badger show and alot of fine marbles come in the door there. being so close, it would be an enjoyable trip for you. bill
  8. har .. this character knows what he-she are doing edna ... in straight words in my email i said they are NEW not old .. and the responce was .. i buy in laushau ? sp. don't know .. pontil .. just a bunch of b.s. ... you will NEVER get an answer from this guy. but what gets me are the .. bidders. i've made mistakes, even recently, in buying what i couldn't readily i.d. but ... at least i know they are vintage. there was no question about that. just from the not so good pics, bells ring ... oh well ... bill
  9. got the same reply charles. and he, they, didn't know what a pontil is .. ?? avoiding ALL the relevant questions concerning vintage or contemp. taking a chance on laying ur money down on this .. i.m.h.o. .... bill
  10. email sent today ... asked specific questions ... bill
  11. some i've posted before ... luv dem alleys .... bill
  12. hmmmm ... wondering too.... brandy, but the jokers were just 1 group that had marbles made in 08 .. and 09. at the jabo plant in ohio. long-long story to this. and my finger wouldn't last. but, ALL the groups came away with highly collectiable marbles. ALL the groups. alot of info. out there now to clarify your thoughts. and very collectable marbles to be had. and at reasonable prices. i was involved in the tribute runs, although i'm a vintage collector, i enjoyed all that i experienced and the folks involved in all the runs. once in a lifetime thing. bill
  13. when i first saw the marble, i thought it had been touched up. looked to " clean" to me. and wait till the buyer gets wind of it's background. bill
  14. can't get the link to work craig ... but .. wonder " why" these were done .. and put out for sale ????? without proper labeling that they were .. contemp's ??? bill
  15. the way it looks, it's going to effect my .. buying and selling. i NEVER charged handling fees, and ins. is, was, optional. greedy sellers, some, jack up the handling fees more, which makes me .. MOVE ON. ebay .... REALLYYYYYY .... SUCKS. bill
  16. i totally agree. superb examples all. to see extreme examples and identify them is good for me. thanks to all. bill
  17. boy ole boy folks .. today was a good day for me. a very good day for sure. and i would like to share some of it with you. especially after coming home and reading this thread. more folks thinking of me than i ever thought would. another part of my day. good feelings last ... took a drive, to the p.o. and the 1st. eye-opener, and on to springfield for the 2nd. real happy moment, and got me a free lunch to boot, and was dutifully informed that a new addition in about 7 1/2 mo.'s .. has about 120 heartbeats min. .. and is rarin to be exposed ... in due time. and hubby couldn't stop grinnin. both wanting another girl. ole porrr dylon .... and .. har .. BOTH are working now. ... PLAY TIME THINKING HERE . again folks ... i'm feelin the good thoughts coming from here ... thanks very much .... they do mean alot to me. and this little piece of glass makes me grin too ... and all in 1 spot ... a few additions to my herd .. until next time .. bill
  18. rite behind ya steve .. can't wit till the mailbox fills .. ... bill
  19. no trick involved in my using cheesecloth mark. it brings out the luster of a mib better than a jewelers cloth or anything else i've used. home displays and on the road. doesn't " hide" a thing ... shines em fine ... bill
  20. as has been stated before ... sometimes i'm %%%%% backwards on things .. but, thru chuck g. and, i believe guy, this is what i was informed is a pelt. dragonfly ... blue on green .... not saying it .. is ... but what i am lead to believe. any updating is welcome. bill
  21. also labeled champion jr.'s ... gobs of patterns .... bill
  22. and many more ... marble on .. .... bill
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