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Everything posted by GLSS

  1. Can a German come out play?
  2. We're slowing down! Let's get a move on...
  3. Great Marbles everyone! A few more to keep it going...
  4. Well,,,, I just tried posting again and got the same message. I double checked all of my urls and made sure that the img thingy was there... I give up for tonight. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow maybe not. Thanks again for you assistance Steph. Gary So why the heck does it work now???????
  5. Okay, lets... Okay. That is using my old way and a new way. Of course, both worked. I guess I'll just have to double check all of my URLs and such. Thanks!!! Steph!!!! Gary
  6. I've had the same image host for several years now and in the past have had no trouble posting pics in this forum. I recently dove back into this site and have posted a few pics. Last week I attempted to post several pics and a couple of them wouldn't load with a red warning that said 'You can't use that image extension on this site!' I didn't really give a second thought and went on. So today I attempted to load different pics and this time they all were blocked with the same message. Any ideas? I use imagecave.. As you can see, my avatar pic shows up and is hosted on imagecave as well. Thanks for any help. Gary
  7. Here's a few I consider, well Masterful..
  8. Thanks. The big grey stoneware and is 1 15/16. That's a peewee pink bennie in the pic for comp. The big pink is 1 1/8-. The masonic stoneware is the coolest.
  9. Here's a few of my favorites! In no particular order.
  10. Here is one I picked up from an Akro digger a few years ago.
  11. Ken Thanks. Yes it is black based. The other one is an opaque muddy purple. I've had a couple of transparent based ones but just don't care for them so I tend to go after the opaques. Here is a pic of the red bead along with a short necklace that has lutzy/ aventurine running throughout. The beads range from 16mm down to 5mm. Gary
  12. Here are a few of mine. These run from 5/8 to 1 1/8. Also have a red based bead that I had made into a pendant for the wife. Gary
  13. NICE!!! I haven't added one of those to the ole collection in @ a year!! Great Sniffing Dude!! Gary
  14. They also came in a green as well as this red. Very difficult to find. Gary
  15. Here is an Imp with a metallic patch. GLSS
  16. I have a 'Royal Immies' bag with 3 corals in it. Until your bag, I had not seen corals in another. Gary
  17. Here is a selection of Bricks, Ox- slags and Moss Agates.
  18. Jon Where did you get the pic in your first post with the blue green back ground? Gary
  19. Here are some examples of MK seams. MK seams are very similar to some Pelt seams and can cause confusuio also. Then throw in some Vitros and the waters just get muddier. Gary
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