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The 22Nd Pride Of The Prairie, Fall Marble Show

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To be held at the Country Inn and Suites


Located on Highway 51,just north of Interstate 72,in Decatur,IL

Show/display:Nov.,5th,Saturday 9:00am--1;00pm,or later.

Open to the public,all 3 days---FREE ADMISSION

Room trading,buying and selling all 3 days.

There will be 13 tables,in the conference room,and extra tables available,after 10:00 am,in the breakfast room

Tables are $25 each

Contact Chuck Garret 217-422-8454


Good food,realy close too!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, thank you Jill, for posting some great photos of everyone and i do appreciate that, very good job. I think everyone had a great time and hope they will return. A quick run down of the show for those who might want to know. Dan Grocki and Dan Nauth showed up wednesday and we went out for dinner. Thursday afternoon around 13 rooms were taken and by friday around 25 plus rooms were taken, some on the list but some not. Sales was very good for some and not so good for others. Saturdays tables were all sold out and the foot traffic was ok but i thought a little light. Gino Biffanys talk on the pelt second runs went very well also with some interest in that. Next springs show will bring Ron S and the West Virginia swirl guys in to do a two day mini-talk show and tell on all the swirls from West Virginia. That is our plan for the spring show. A great variety of marbles could be seen and bought with some i even added to my collection. I am very pleased that everyone showed up and enjoyed themselves and the support of the show with all the regulars and the newbies who visited. I am posting a photo of some i got at the show and you can see what was available, enjoy!!! and thanks again everyone. Chuck G--


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gallery_1844_210_2596546.jpgYes Steph, it was great, I am so thankful to all who brought their mibs for me and everyone to look at...I wish I could have taken more home, but I am looking forward to spring shows.

Here are a few marbles I found in corn country, thanks to you all!


P.S. Nice Pelts you got there Chuck, and I love the black and white one...awesome!

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