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Canton Show Reports


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Al - Whoever takes over the show would have to keep track of which rooms they asked for donations and which rooms weren't open etc. Don't think it's feasible.

Greg - Alot of people walk in off the street for show day- Especially in February- it's FREE entry. Some of them are not comfortable walking into someones hotel room. Not all marbles make it past the Hotel entrance. i can't be out there watching and be in the banquet room at the same time. And what is the difference whether I'm buying my marbles as an auction business, an individual, or a show organizer?

Mon- At one point when the shows were busier we did advertise in 4 newspapers. A 2 inch by 2 inch display ad is around $450. We try to keep the table rent at $35. If we rent 13 tables, we'll break even on one ad. Once at New Philly I got my ass chewed out while collecting table fees (by a guy from PA named Dave) I don't need that crap! Without any funds coming in, we cannot have a show. And I can no longer pay for this stuff out of my own pocket, so that everyone else can have a good time! So, You've attended approx. 10 shows without having to contribute anything? Good for you. Congrats!

Vern - I was the one that wanted bulk marbles, I sell them to the general public for $5 a jar, not $35, that would be dishonest.

Everyone- All I am saying is , I've had enough, I've done it long enough. Shows are going to be a thing of the past and the social aspect will be gone, thanks to ebay, the economy, and few new collectors. I remember the days when the hallways were packed, rooms were full of people and money and marbles were exchanging hands til 2 a.m. Seems every show gets slower and slower, I think a new excited show promoter would be a good thing.

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Smitty, maybe you just need to take a step back and find someone to take on the Feb. show for 2013.

Feeling unappreciated and burned out can make anyone hate putting on a show, but I think there are a lot more people that enjoy and appreciate the fact that you do it, than you realize!

Its just human nature for people to speak up sooner if they have a complaint rather than a compliment.

Canton is always a good show, but if you're tired of it, don't quit- just take break.

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After reading some of these threads, I'm so glad that I'm just a marble-nobody.

FWIW, I don't think newspapers are the way to reach people anymore. You need to advertise online, or in the online version of the newspapers. I say this because we recently put an ad in the local newspaper to rent a house, and got zero response. Then we put an ad in the same newspaper, but online, and were flooded with responses, and paid alot less for the ad too. It cost $60 for a 2-day, 3- or 4-line ad with no pictures, compared to $15 for a whole month, including five full-color, full-screen photos. (What is a marble ad without pictures of some real eye-catchers. If you're looking to get younger people interested in marbles, you will first have to show them what a marble can look like...some may not even know what a marble is!)

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And since so many people buy marbles on Ebay, maybe you could run a banner ad that appears on the marble search pages, if it is possible to do that. It probably wouldn't be cheap, but might be worth it.

There is no lack of interest in marbles, from what I've seen of the crazy prices people are paying for them, and things like catseyes too. Maybe it's because there is such slim pickings on Ebay ever since Marblealan left the scene.




Not a Popeye, and only NM...


And look what this piece of crap is going for:


And (most) people like to socialize, and that is at least a part of the fun of having a hobby. And traveling to different places to go to shows can be fun too, and a vacation. So, I think if shows are getting slower, there's a good chance that it is an advertising problem.

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A misconception people may have about shows is that they will have to pay higher prices there. Maybe they think they can get better deals on Ebay because of the bidding. If that isn't true, it should be made known in the advertising. I used to think that, and that is (one of the things) that kept me from going to shows.

One more idea: Hand out flyers at the marble shows, mainly for the benefit of the newbies and walk-ins, listing the marble forum websites, Alan's Marble Connection ID website, etc., so they will know where to go to learn more about marbles, to help continue any interest they might have in marbles. These don't have to be any expensively-printed flyers, just paper printouts from a computer.

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shows are not what they used to be....many rooms are closed most of the time ...marbles that walk in off the street are ushered to select rooms and the deadbolt snapped....and the showrooms haint much different....the entry way and the areas near the exits are most coveted and guess who gets them???...surely not the person that signs up first....im just sayin if youre in the back of the room, facin the opposite wall....you just might get missed....then again...the marbles that walk in off the street get side tracked and mobbed before they even get inside the hotel...not that big of a deal ,but ive lived it....the fairest show for settin up is sistersville....ive had the same spot for most of the years the show has been goin on...its free,too ...and marbles walk in all the time....i dont know what most shows charge but if its approaching 30$ thats alot .....i ran the show 2 years at parkersburgh and know the whims of collectors...a vendor once went thru 3 rooms before he accepted one then complained that noone wanted to help him get his stuff to the room...it hard to make everybody happy...best not try to make yourself happy...

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smitty....I never knew that renting a table was mandatory to be seen as a supporter! I've bought t-shirts, bagged marble and other stuff put out by the organizers.....guess that doesn't count! I've spent a lot of money to attend these shows and then get back-handed by you......that stinks!

It use to be mostly collectors but now it's pickers who want nothing but dead mint marbles at less that wholesale prices.

Duffy...I'll mis seeing you but I've attend my last show!

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dont any of you guys tip your waiters,,, jeepers,

Yes, but I know it is customary to do so! Do you get it? Tell me in advance the cost to attend your show and not be grouped in the, up till now, unknown "tightass" category and then I will decide. But don't assume I'm thinking what kind of tip to leave when I've spent a mint golden rebel just to walk through the doors and give action to your show.

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This is my first post on a marble board and I'm already having second thoughts. Long time lurker, first (and i mean first) time poster. There are reasons. Some of which are on display in this thread.

The reasons I feel compelled to post are:

1) I've put on the Indinapolis show in the past and got a real education on just how much work is involved

2) I like the Ohio shows. I room trade in Canton but don't set up at the show. It's a 5 hour drive for me and recent medical issues have pretty much determined that I need to take more frequent rest breaks. So a setting up at the show and then drivng home would just about do me in.

3) I just like chasing marbles. Been doing it for over 30 years now. And I've found some great friendships along the way that extend well past when the other person no longer actively pursues the hobby.

Steve puts a lot of work into his shows. Most would say it's a thankless job. It can be if no one else helps him. That's how I ended up with the Indinapolis show. A few years back the person running our Indinapolis show felt overwelmed and asked for help. Since I live only 5 minutes from the show site I thought..... "what the heck?" I soon found out what the heck when I agreed to run that show!! We had enough drama that year to last us for a while. Still, there's an annual marble show 5 minutes from my house. And you can't be that. I'd like to think that my helping out is one of the reasons it's still there.

We all like to be entertained. Have someone else host the party at thier house. Get our cookies and punch and tell everbody what a great time we had. Well maybe it's time some others step up and show some of that famous Buckeye hospitality.

So, about the gripes:

Hotels have thier rules. No need to brow beat the people cleaning the rooms. Most hotel guests wouldn't want to do that job and certainly not for the wages they get. The hotel staff I met were courteous, competent and they smiled. I really like them. I got there long before check in as well. I just asked when check in was, got a marble case and started catching up with some old freinds. No big deal.

My room was on the "back hall". Would I have liked being somewhere else? Probably. But we all have to be somewhere so that's where I was. The hotel knew I was "with the show" and picked my room for me. Not Smitty. It really didn't seem to stop people from finidng me and stopping by either.

You can tactfully inform others that standing at the door to intercept walk ins isn't encouraged.

The message would probably be most effective if it came from more tenured marble collectors and was shared before the day of the show. If tact doesn't work, there are other means. Marble collecting is a small comunity and we don't have to corporately accept behavior from individuals that we find distasteful.

I will say that there needs to be transparency regarding costs. Again from my Indy show expirence: If people know what the costs are, they will almost always help out if they are financially able. Most of them like the show too and and don't want it to fail because of finacial reasons. Tables don't have to be the only source of income.

This information won't get transferred by osmosis. Having active officers in a club with rules that share information goes a long way. Most clubs I belong to have these types of rules in order to allow members to see where their dues are going and how decisions are made. It's not that people are assuming others are dishonest. It's just good business practise and removes all doubt. The people involved shouldn't get their feeings hurt or think that others distrust them.

I have a few thoughts on how to make the Canton show (any marble show for that matter) better

1) First, quit tearing it down and sticking the show promoter in the eye. Volunteer clubs, like the Buckeye Marble Club thrive on cooperation and engagement, not dissent. Fastest way out of a hole is to quit digging.

2) It does appear that the printed media is waning. Maybe that's why the ads cost so much. Maybe ask how many people who attend the room trading or the show saw it in the paper to guage ad effectiveness. (somebody needs to help do this, not Steve.)

3) For the Indy show, I wrote articles for Antique Week. When they changed their rules, I changed with them. It was free advertizing.

4) I also wrote articles for the main Indy paper in the collectible section they published. Again, free.

5) Most online papers have a "weekend" or "lets go" section. You can even post pictures of your event.

6) Years ago a local tv station broadcast their morning spotlight section from the old Columbus, IN show. Hey, we're quirky enough that we can make good press when we want to!!

5) I put up fliers in all the Indy metro antique shops/malls. Again, free except for my time.

6 We had an appraisal table at the show. Person doing the appraisal couldn't buy....and yes. That's hard on the appraiser. Trust me on this.

7) I called people before the show, urging them to attend.

8) I give marble talks to local historical and other groups each year. Yes, is it fun and no, I haven't seen one single marble from doing it. Getting more marbles wasn't the idea in the first place. Getting people excited about them was.

9) I judge marbles at our state fair every year. Long funny story about how that came to be but you'll have to look me up at a marble show to hear it.

O.K. I'm up to 9, but there's more....lots more. Point is: not one of these ideas produced more than a few show goers. But together, WOW. We live in a multimedia world. You need to reach out in different ways because no one method is going to get it done anymore....which means others are going to have to help.

So for all the naysaying and grousing we've basically ticked off the one person who has probably done as much as anybody for our hobby and keeps this show going. Not something to be proud of. The way I see it, the mudslinging can continue unabated (which is why I don't post) until we wear ourselves out, or we can roll up our sleeves and pitch in.

To Smitty, more than a few us Hoosiers and transplanted Buckeye/Hoosiers (there might even be a Wolverine or two in there) are ready to help. You're just going to have to let us know how. It'll probably have to be from long distance and what needs to be done may not be as obvious as some might think. Some of us aren't that quick on the uptake of a hint. You've got to put away the sublety and get out the two by four. But we will help you. I for one, still want to go to a show in a state where American Marbles were born.

Finally, this ended up being longer than intended. Not sure if I stepped on a few toes. I can tell you that I'll probably not respond if you are hateful in disagreeing with me. Remember what I said about drama that first year running the Indy show? Well, I also realized something else about myself. This is my hobby....and that's all it is. I'm in it to have fun. If I want to fight, I'll go to work and get paid for it.

Marble on


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naysaying...who was the naysayers? When you feel that you've tried to support marbles and the shows only to find out negatives are stowed upon you, it sucks! I'm sure smitty has done way more than most but it does not give him the right to post his original statement without a backlash! You list many great ideas and enjoyed MOST of your thread!

People find somebodies marbles every day and come to places like this to learn more. Then read old and new threads and run like hell if they have any sense! Rip-offs, fakes, low ball PM's and not validating the obvious........just lost a prospect in this marble collecting field.

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I always thought supporting a club or show meant a lot more than showing up. Heck I carry all I bring (As do many others) on one or 2 flights just to get to the shows I attend and still get a table. Donate to the silent auctions and put money in the donation jars if they are put out. "THATS WHAT I BELIEVE FOLKS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO"

I understand Smitties complaints and have seen the bitching first hand. It is usually the same folks and most of them would not be satisfied no matter what goes on. I have been lucky enough to have a room near the entrance and unlucky enough to have one at the far end of the hall. Thats just the way it rolls. I have had tables near the entrance and all the way in the back. I made do with what I was handed and made sure I enjoyed myself. Folks that want to bitch and complain make it what it is on their own. Everyone has the ability to have a good time or not and make due with what you get handed. Way to many selfish pri**s.. I am so sorry the aholes have won and drove Smitty away..I look forward all year to getting back to Ohio and attending the show. Wonder who will step up. Brian has been catching way to much crap from a couple selfish aholes. And I am willing to bet good money the folks doing the most bitching about Brian and Smitty wouldn't give a bit of effort towards running the show. Everyone wants something for nothing, sad, so sad. And if you want to just attend, trade and sell do it, but do your damnest to realize if it wasn't for the folks putting in the effort and actually putting on the show you would be home looking at ebay. Think about it!!!!!

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1stm, read all the posts....I do buy and support but just can't buy a table! Do you get it, or should I not attend at all????????? Grow some balls and admit that it was not the best thing to say! Big deal, or go on saying it's ok for smitty to call names and put down people because he's justified! Kind of a double standard! WV show had the heart beat of Michael Jackson and more people in rooms were needed. If room trading holds no value to the show just have Sat. show and see how many want to attend. think about it........aaaaaah

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to ... steve smith ... and all the other folks who organize and work hard to do a show ... a sincere thank you for your dedication and hard work. i've stubbed my toes a few times, and was straightened out firmly and quickly. no problem with me ... tell me what i don't know, and i'm sure i'll cooperate .... don't go away steve ... bill



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Mon, If you feel you do what you should in support of the shows what I say should mean nothing to you, It is my opinion and only my opinion. I am not judging you and apologize if I came off as doing that. I do not know what you have done to support any shows. My post was not meant to be directed at you and I edited the post to reflect that. Just telling folks how I feel. Don't really think or believe everyone agrees.

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I know all four of the posters whose comments on this thread came across as somewhat negative. They are good, thoughtful, intelligent and well meaning people. However, some of their comments were mistakes or just misguided. I trust that they will understand why I have to take issue with some of the things they said.

1.) SHOW SPONSOR - Running a show is a thankless job. I've been to about 100 shows in a dozen different cities in the midwest over the last 20 years. Not one of those running any of these shows was doing it for any reason other than a love of marbles, the marble hobby and the folks who collect marbles. To imply anything different is simply wrong. If you have ideas on how to make a show better go to the show sponsor and discuss it with him/her. Also, volunteer to help carry the load. SMITTY IS THE BEST. Everyone, get a grip on reality. He was just venting in post 2.

2.) NO NEW BLOOD - I too have committed the sin of saying that. However, upon reflection I have noticed in the last few years more new collectors than ever. For purposes of some anonymity, I'll just mention a few first names: Craig, Jeff, Dave, Dan, Eddie, Kevin R., Mark, Jane, Phyllis, Jack, Joe, Chris and there are many more. This is just from Ohio, Indiana, & WV shows we now attend. There are many more elsewhere and there will be more. These people know a lot about marbles and in various ways are a significant asset to the marble collecting world. Much of this "new blood" seems to be coming to the shows from the internet including chat boards such as this one. They and others like them are our future. NOTE: At this Canton show we sold more than we have at any show in the last few years. We sold to three people we never met before - one spent over $1,000 with us at the show, another spent over $100 purchasing no marble costing more than 1 or 2 dollars. I don't think the hobby or shows are dying.

3.) GERIATRIC MARBLE SHOWS - Maybe some of that is that older collectors have more time to attend, more money and less time to spend it. Twenty years ago when I was 50 years old, my wife and I were "new blood". We thought many of the other collectors were old. Some of them have died or left the hobby (shows anyway). That's life. "New blood" will take over.

4.) WALK-INS - Yes, some people walk into the rooms or show with marbles. Usually, they go to a random room or random table. Do they ever meet the show sponsor or advanced collectors? Of course, who would you want to see if you were in their shoes? If the "walk in" is smart they will visit many different people. Occassionally, something really good will show up. We are all happy and excited regardless of who, if anyone, benefits. The truth is that most "walk-ins" are duds. Their marbles are basically just decoration that will look good in a jar (after being washed).

5.) SHOW TABLES - Certainly many people have good reasons not to rent a table at a show - job, family, inexperience, other commitments, health, fatigue, distance home, not enough material or right kind to show or display at the show and other valid reasons. That's fine. My wife and I are retired and get to big shows on Mon. or Tues. and smaller shows on Wed. or Thurs. Often by Friday we are tired and ready to go home. Never-the-less, we have rented one (now two) tables at every show we have ever attended (except the first two). We do this to support the club and promote as best we can the hobby. Do whatever you can. We know it won't always be renting a table at the show.

6.) SOMETHING RARE - Something very rare came to our table at the show. The guy said he had hundreds more just like those marbles he showed me. Fairly quickly, I realized that I needed help because this was out of my league. So, I contacted Smitty. Do you want to know why? Because he knows more about marbles and was the most honest person in the room. He also lives near this person.

Anyone who has a doubt about shows come and see for yourself. I promise that you will enjoy meeting the people in the rooms, the halls and at the show, including those who may have seemed a bit negative in this thread (they really aren't). If I'm wrong see me and I'll give you some marbles.


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Chuck doesn't post much (first one...?) on the boards but he makes a great point with this post. Main thing that I see for people attending a show - find some way to help the promoters of the show - money, time, advertising (put the word out in your area) or even marbles that they can sell at a silent auction to raise funds (especially when it is a club putting on the show). And then, have fun!

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tightasses, crabasses, old timers, newbies, handmade collectories, contemporary makers and collectors, vitage and new machine made collectors are all welcome at:Kansas City. Nice attendees are appreciated to.


The Kansas City Marble Collectors Club



Our 10th Annual Marble Collectors Show


Holiday Inn Overland Park

8787 Reeder Road, Overland Park, KS 913.888.8440

Sunday March 3, 2013 – 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Featuring Antique, Vintage, and Contemporary Marbles Marble Appraisals


For More information, call 816.436.3929


Warning to whiners and complainers! - there is a $5 charge for being listened to. You have to pay up front to be heard. lol :evil-grin-smileys-111:

"Sticks and Stones may break my bones but whips and chains hurt like heck"


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