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Alan Basinet Trojan Horse Email


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Mmmmm, I got one, too..... Kinda creepy and really sad.... :(

joe w. email's with these links have been so consistent, that i had to block his mail. i fear the puter anyhow and with these virus's, i don't do much with it anymore ... bill

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your email address book is sending out click on links. Derrick has one also. Folks, do not click on links in emails you are not absolutely 100% sure that they were sent by the addressee. These usually come with little more than a link for the message. .I replied on one so you could see what is going out.

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I've received these from a few people... I'm assuming it gets into your address book when you click the link? (Though how would that happen in Alan's case, unless, maybe Gary or Cheryl are checking the mail?)

If you find out your email is effected, how do you clear it?

I've also gotten a couple of these through Facebook....

It's just like the Old Wild West, here online!!! LOL

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It was kinda hard finding the way to change the password but it's done. Thanks. Hope that fixes it.

While I was running the antivirus, I realized that more would probably be needed. Unless someone had turned on Alan's computer :( the problem couldn't have come from there.

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