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Calling All Cat's-Eyes


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I love catseye marbles and have collected them for decades. The killer rare ones aren't as easy to find as they used to be IMHO.

A couple of store boxes from my collection:

6 vane 3 color cross-throughs box:


Here's a cool solitaire set with same run/identical 9 vane catseyes. This board w/marbles came out of an old Pennsylvania homestead. It's one of my favorite solitaire sets. Photo does not do these mibs justice.


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An original bag of Barton's marbles. These are 6 vane 3 color cross-throughs and are the larger 11/16" marbles.
I have several bags of these. They came out of the under cabinet of an old carnival crane/claw machine in Indiana.
These bags contain the only true brown vane cross-throughs I have ever seen. They aren't a mix/blend nor a burnt color. They are a solid true brown.


Close-up pic of the Barton's Brand 6 vane cross-through catesyes with true brown vanes.


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You have some great Cat's Eyes. Thanks for showing them. The solitaire board is cool.

And these boxes are nice!


And just in case you didn't know, you can put the link to your pictures in the "insert image" tool and they will show up like this one.

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Oh that Camel box is sweet.

And now I gotta have a Barton's bag.

But how could I not open it to get all those cross-throughs out. I guess I just have to get a camel box so I can play with the cross-throughs and put them back. Then the Barton bag would be safe.

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