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Peltier Soda Ash Shovel

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Last fall, I was offered a rare opportunity by the Mayor of Ottawa to take a guided tour of the Peltier factory and grounds.

As I walked through the factory, I tried my absolute best to take it all in – after all, I knew this would likely be the last time I would ever step foot in the factory. 

As I meandered from room to room, I eventually made it to one of the oldest areas of the building – the chambers where they stored the glass cullet and soda ash.

I just couldn’t help myself so I stuck my head into each dark chamber to see what I could learn about their processes.  

I could tell that the chambers had been modified throughout the years mostly on the methods used to receive the cullet and ash deliveries from their suppliers. 

During my inspection, I was fortunate enough to notice this lonely shovel tucked safely away in the corner of the very dark soda ash chamber.  

I asked the Mayor if he would mind if I took it as a memento of sorts.  

The Mayor gave his permission so I quickly picked it up and immediately noticed the worn hand marks on the handle from a lifetime of usage – most likely from shoveling soda ash and recycled cullet from the adjacent chambers.

The shovel now stands very proudly in my marble room.





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