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Range of variation of guineas


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The recent discussion reminded me again that I don't know what the signs are to look for in "real" guineas.  What colors are good.  What kinds of things can happen with the spots.  

So here's a thread just for posting a whole bunch of guineas.  


(picture from a Morphy auction)

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I posted this on the other thread, but your picture also points out my problem with the discussed marble. The blobs of color are stretch on the surface. Maybe not all of them, but not none. Here's my three




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Great idea and the Morphy box immediately strikes me with wide variety, which to my eye includes:

  • Base color (appears to be either amber or blue)
  • Speck variety (pattern, size, density, stretched or not) - it seems on all these Morphy ones a majority of the specks are vivid, with sharp edges and solid consistently bright colors, though a few are softer with more blending.
  • Seams. Where visible, the seams appear very distinct because there is so much variety going on with the specks where the seams meet.

I would say without better photos of the marble in question it's tough to talk much more about it because certainly there is a ton of variety potential. I am curious where the seam is on it because that appears to be an unmistakable trait common to most--but then what do I know with my guinea halves? ;)


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OK, guinea half confessions.  I have six, two each of cobalt, amber, and colorless.  I'll have to check them tonight, but as best as I remember mine are like migbar's . . . (hi Mike!)

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Here's a pic from Marblemiser.  Dotty one on the right.  (Wonder how he's doing.  Haven't heard from him in awhile. Ray, if you see this, *waves*.)




Some more: 




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And yet..... The spotty examples still have stretched colors. I guess this whole thing really doesn't matter. The seller has found a buyer and hopefully everyone is satisfied. Personally, I wouldn't have touched it and in the end the selling price was on the high end of Guinea pricing.

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I've seen stretched color and pinpoint color that you would have never guessed were legit, I have halves of weird guineas.  I've seen 1,2 and buried cut marks that are hard to find.  The colors on the Guinea in question were off, had no cut marks that I could see and the worst and most obvious give away is the dark spots in the center of the color splotches.  That only happens in contemporary examples. 

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