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How do you respond to the "lost my marbles" comment by non-collectors?

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I've lost count how many times I've heard non-collectors grin and say they've lost their marbles in response to me being a marble collector, but last week it happened twice in a row in two antique stores.

My first response was, "If you had lost all your marbles, you wouldn't be saying that. It's proof you still have a couple."

She did not respond to my comment.

In the second store, I should have just grinned but instead I told her the store I was just at said that. She seemed a bit taken aback then said, "Well, they called ahead."

So I need to think of a clever response to this next time it most certainly happens. Do you have any good come backs? Here's a couple I am considering:

"I wasn't going to say anything, but since you said it, I was thinking the same thing."

"You shouldn't have played for keeps."



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Those who say this to me, i just grin great big and tell them if they have any, i will take them off their hands. Then i fthey want to carry the conversation farther, i tell them years ago when they shot their marbles in a sling shot, they just shot a $500.00 "Golden Rebel" out across the yard, very expensive ammo.  Chuck G--

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