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Still here Ric just needed someone to wake me up. Wait !! I know ! I've already posted this on the big rainbows thread a while back but it's one of my favorite rainbows and one of the biggest. with the translucent orange and creamy white ribbons this marble reminds me of an orange creamsicle, I get hungry just looking at it, "delicious"


1 (666).JPG

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I wonder why not so many people collect rainbows ?? I realize it's growing over the last 5-8 years because the overwhelming amount of choice marbles is in collectors hands. I used to collect a good amount of metalics and oxblood rainbows, most of the time mixed, one riding alongside the other. Sold them all cheap to someone I thought would give them a good home only  to find them for sale on offer up a few day's later.  A lesson well learned but a smidge to late, almost impossible  to find metalic rainbows now, let alone the ox. combination's I had. Any how water under the bridge. A very nice bunch of mibs Ric. At some point individual photos take a second seat to arrangement or display of your collection.  Forgive the fuzzyness, another freehand attempt.


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3 hours ago, Chad G. said:

I wonder why not so many people collect rainbows ?? I realize it's growing over the last 5-8 years because the overwhelming amount of choice marbles is in collectors hands. I used to collect a good amount of metalics and oxblood rainbows, most of the time mixed, one riding alongside the other. Sold them all cheap to someone I thought would give them a good home only  to find them for sale on offer up a few day's later.  A lesson well learned but a smidge to late, almost impossible  to find metalic rainbows now, let alone the ox. combination's I had. Any how water under the bridge. A very nice bunch of mibs Ric. At some point individual photos take a second seat to arrangement or display of your collection.  Forgive the fuzzyness, another freehand attempt.

That's a nice case of Rainbos. I guess not a lot of people collect them because so many of them are common. I don't really collect them either. Al has a nice collection of metallic ones - that's where a few of mine have gone - I usually keep the oxbloods though.

I just keep some around because I really like to sort marbles, and Rainbos are great for that!



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1 minute ago, Ric said:

Hey Bill, That brown one's odd . . . kinda looks Kokomo - it's seems the right kind of oogly. B)


Man I used to have a bunch ( 4 or 5 ) of those like yours Ron that where absolutely identical, as a matter of fact I sold them that way, A little more of a salmon color on mine. I'll see if I still have some pics of them.

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