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ID Assist - Two Mibs No Clue


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I really have no clue on these two.  The blue one feels like CAC to me in my experience usually they aren't.  Also does anybody know why there isn't a authentication and grading service for Marbles like they have for baseball cards?  I know identifying is a mixed bag but, there has to be some official standard.










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15 hours ago, browncat73 said:

Also does anybody know why there isn't a authentication and grading service for Marbles like they have for baseball cards? 

I have never heard of one and if there was one we would see plenty of them for sale.

I agree with Da Roberto on your marbles.


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15 hours ago, browncat73 said:

I really have no clue on these two.  The blue one feels like CAC to me in my experience usually they aren't.  Also does anybody know why there isn't a authentication and grading service for Marbles like they have for baseball cards?  I know identifying is a mixed bag but, there has to be some official standard.










You can always try Block's Marble Auctions. They do grade marbles against their own standard and they have a high reputation in the field.  I know some high-level collectors that sell through them.  I and others collectors I know have talked with them about appraising some marbles and have purchased through them.


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Block is only one person and he only does appraisals on stuff he can make a buck on. He's really only interested in the handmade stuff.  If he sells the machine stuff it's most likely because it was bundled in with the handmades.  Plus one person shouldn't be the authority, i'm just surprised a comittee hasn't formed to tried to come up with a standard.  A lot of the ebay sales are a joke.

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12 minutes ago, chicagocyclist said:

A matter of clarification. Block did appraisals for other collectors that I know at no charge and for items that they had no intention to sell.  He was able to identify them, give rather a lot of detail on them, at no charge, so...

I’ve worked with Bob Block buying for 25+ years and highly recommend him for buying and appraising marbles.  

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1 hour ago, browncat73 said:

Block is only one person and he only does appraisals on stuff he can make a buck on. He's really only interested in the handmade stuff.  If he sells the machine stuff it's most likely because it was bundled in with the handmades.  Plus one person shouldn't be the authority, i'm just surprised a comittee hasn't formed to tried to come up with a standard.  A lot of the ebay sales are a joke.

Marbles are unfortunately rarely black or white.  There are many shades of gray.  Not like a baseball card or coin for identification.  Grading is a bit like CAC marbles, where everyone thinks they have one, even when they don’t.  Everyone thinks they have a mint marble, even when they don’t.  There are some fairly good grading guidelines, but not everyone agrees and it seems to be subjective depending upon whether you are a buyer or seller.  I understand your pain, but even if a committee was formed, I seriously doubt there would be a large majority of collectors who would embrace their decisions.  When you read the threads on TMC or AAM, the experts are often very divided.  I was in medicine for 45 years and there is a saying, “ there’s no always and no never in medicine.”  Seems to be somewhat true with marbles.

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25 minutes ago, Carowill said:

Marbles are unfortunately rarely black or white.  There are many shades of gray.  Not like a baseball card or coin for identification.  Grading is a bit like CAC marbles, where everyone thinks they have one, even when they don’t.  Everyone thinks they have a mint marble, even when they don’t.  There are some fairly good grading guidelines, but not everyone agrees and it seems to be subjective depending upon whether you are a buyer or seller.  I understand your pain, but even if a committee was formed, I seriously doubt there would be a large majority of collectors who would embrace their decisions.  When you read the threads on TMC or AAM, the experts are often very divided.  I was in medicine for 45 years and there is a saying, “ there’s no always and no never in medicine.”  Seems to be somewhat true with marbles.

I definitely agree that the issue of identification is uniquely challenging when it comes to marbles. However, when it comes to authentication and grading, I think coins are just as complicated and subjective as marbles—if not more so. Before there were third-party grading and authentication companies for coins, dealers and collectors alike would rely entirely on their own subjective opinions for valuing coins. That's fine for those people with decades of experience, but it makes the barrier to entry extremely steep and discourages new collectors from joining the hobby. And even when ID is impossible for certain marbles, grading can often still be determined because it's a condition thing, not a maker or authentication thing.

I really hope someone comes along and established a method of third-party grading, authenticating and identifying (when possible) for marbles. Without it, I think it will be difficult for marble collecting to survive and thrive beyond the next couple generations.

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When it comes to legal matters, insurance, court hearings, etc.  I don't think there are any licensed certified marble appraisers anyplace in the U.S. There is no certified or official grading system for marbles.  

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I remember this topic being discussed not too long ago with alot of the pros and cons above mentioned. Also a ton of respectful opinions and facts followed. I collected, dealt, bought, sold, and traded Sports cards for right on 30 years, give or take, so I shared my thoughts and opinions too on this. 

All are entirely different animals, coins, cards, marbles, etc.; with each collectible hobby having its own "system" of identification and value determination. Some are more established and more well defined than others. Some are based on "expert" opinions, some are not. Some are bound by rules, laws, etc.; some are not. So many twists and turns in the field of collecting.

Then you've got the crooks, the scammers, and the fakes that have been infiltrating the hobbies for years, and their getting better at what they do all the time. With paper, metal, glass, etc. It's frustrating and scary at the same time. 

I don't collect sports cards like I used too, I might buy a pack once in a while. But I do remember telling myself too never send in any of my cards too a grading service. I never have and don't think I ever will. Guess back in the day I was always worried about the ol' switcheroo taking place behind the scenes. That's just me. They can profess all the safeguards they want to. Nope, won't budge. Not saying anything I have is perfect, even though they do go straight from package too plastic sleeve and top loader.

I could rant for a long time but coffee, meds, and car repair is calling! This topic has always been a great discussion IMO. Benefits everyone for sure! 😊

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