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Let’s play the Blurry game!


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20 hours ago, akroorka said:

Well it has to be "deep"---give it up!


"Deep" right on man. And I assure you I had no intention to play a game that's this tough. Kind of caught me off guard as I was unable to take any photos for the past week, on account my eyes got infected from my darned constant maintenance of the pool.  Never ever buy a pool unless you got tons of cash to toss in it!

So I apologize if anybody is not enjoying this. 

Regardless, Stage 3 is the 'Blurry game's photo entry. As some may realize now, to have any possibility of solving it you'd need to go down this road and put the pieces together. 

Who made it: Christensen Agate.

What illustrates this photo group and game target: A loop and lines; Road and Tunnel.

What is Special? Colors, glass variations and,,, Drum roll please,, da tum ta tum.  Deep in the center are barely visible, due to exposure, lines going against the whirl on the surface. They are diagonal in the photo and I bet you'll realize that now. "Look deep" Yet it's not exactly lines, it's the white and, wait for it.. Tick tock, tic, tic,,, Oxblood! Ya'll totally missed it in Stage 2. Take another look at it and ought to see that too. However, there's more.  The white, in places, is very thin, smeared on the surface, that's why it's so difficult to shoot whereas, in hand it jumps right out without any assistance to see.. 

  Because one  of the best features in this type is pure and clean crystal-clear glass that can help magnify colors under the surface. That is why, I expect, very, very few could have understood all 5 points availed.  Even those who have this type, "May" miss that in this game. My dummy 20 Meg Digital SLR camara wants to make it appear blurry because the white is smeared very thin over the window of visibility and forces the digital contrast/and white balance to; Stage 1: "Overexpose".

It is blocking visibility to see clearly within the crystalline glass and for the bit of magnification the clear adds to these, it looks 'Blurry! Errr..

   I shot this and made it public several years ago when I did not have this big of a problem showing through the window, but I've lost that photo too. .

    It is a Christinsen Agate, Striped transparent, Road and Tunnel with Point 1: Oxblood, 2: White and if you will; 3: Electric orange in, 4: Pure crystalline clear and 5:  That 'blurry area reveals it to be A Cobra/Cyclone! Ta ta! 

[I spied it on Ebay years ago directly from Cambridge OH with 6-7 other verities of mint CAC's that, the seller  didn't know exactly what each type is and failed to make decent photos ;)] For that it was a 'too good to be true' auction of the marbles he had found locally, (Cambridge Oh, the magic town) setting in a garage. I pulled the arm of the bandit's machine as what I could see, looked to have good odds. turned out even better than I hoped. 

On the side; I am attempting to shoot another of that group, not Cobra and ain't a chance me is going to put it in this game It's not white, is Electric though, very complicated to capture too. this was too tasking to play in this game however: Coming soon in your friendly Marble hang out. That is, if I can shoot the danged thing rightly Errr. 


   I delayed final answers, until this time; waiting, hoping somebody would take a shot for points. white and or reddish maybe oxblood, would have been 2 points, tie it up or easy win for leader or anybody else, and made it interesting, to Challange the Blurry item, break the tie but, looks like everybody gave up. 

That makes @akroorka the winner! 


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