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It is a funny thing for me--I really want to ID Ravenswood marbles--it might just be the name--or just a thing with me.
I was in the basement today checking out my WVS and sizing them. 9/16" was my limit per @wvrons for a clue.

Funny how a collector can pick these sizes from the rest and how you can get misdirected—:computer-22:.
I had great fun today.
No results---I am still a WVS and a Ravenswood seeker---never give up---

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3 hours ago, wvrons said:

They are not all 9/16, but Ravenswood probably made more 9/16 size than any other WV swirl maker.  Ravenswood made pee wee-9/16-5/8-11/16-and a few 3/4 inch swirls. 

How many pee wee Ravenswood have you come across ?

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