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Help - has pontil


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I'm having a hard time seeing a pontil. It might just be the fact that this one appears tough to photograph - not too uncommon with monochrome marbles. Does it look like any of the pontils shown in this thread?


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Yeah, I can see the tick of the glass on this, but it does not look like a pontal but rather more like an error. The photos need to be improved to clarify if it's just a tick or actually hand-gathered. It may be as it does appear to have a spiral within it, yet can't confirm with these photos.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Orange is a tough color to capture, I think, because bright and contrast need to help separate the yellow and red that usually blend and cause the color. 

Maybe you have to much light reflecting off the tray or whatever that's blasting (back lit) too much light through it. Maybe a Black background? IDDK except it looks layered which I'd like to see if that's for fine lines spiraling as a hand-gathered would be. 

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3 hours ago, wlmmc said:

Yeah I think it’s hand gathered…you can see the pontil circled here

Nice images!

I am becoming convinced that it is handgathered. The Pontil is a weird one.

I cannot imagine who made it, or when.

3/4"--nice marble.


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