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Bill Towe


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On 10/12/2024 at 4:21 PM, Fire1981 said:

BT was an amazing Marble Guru. He shared pics of VVVVHTF marbles. I’m not kidding. He also made marbles. Does anyone know if he’s still with us🔥


I found this on Facebook:


Think he had a website way back when. I saved some pictures from it. Can't remember what it was called though so I can't look it up on the Internet Archive.

EDIT: Apparently rumors of Bill Tow's death have been greatly exaggerated.

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Thank you so much 🐝 for letting me know this. He told me it was simple. He loved CACs and PELTs. I think his seams really reflects the interest in CACs. His color combos leaned more towards Pelts. Here are a few of his marbles. These are some of his Caterpillars 🔥








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I don't know what to believe. Maybe 2008 because of his health issues. I am really confused because it's 2024. 16 years later? It would be awesome to see him posting all of his 4 figure marbles again. His CAC's are flat out Mind Blowing. He was or is one of the best Marble Photographers as well🔥


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14 hours ago, bumblebee said:

This is the real question: where is he and why isn't he online? He has much to offer and we miss his contributions.

There is more to life than being online.

No doubt he has much to offer.  You can catch him at the Des Moines marble show.  His door is open to all.  I recommend stopping by and engaging his mind. 🧠 

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58 minutes ago, Shamrock Marbles said:

There is more to life than being online.


Yes my friend--sometimes I would rather blow some snow out of the driveway😁--or even mow the grass👇. ( not pick weeds out of the garden though:rolleye-842:)

Thanks for stepping in here.


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