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Rare akro?

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This one is just killer.

These smaller ones do show up with different colors--they just act different imho.

Why do I collect Akro Agate?

You just never know what you may find.

Colorwise, size wise, cool factor wise, just too many Corkscrews and not enuff time😁.

I will keep on looking for sure.

9/16" Akro are a rare find but it seems that in the later years, the Ox patches turned up quite frequently in this size.

I have been searching 9/16" Akro for years now--just a hard find.

I will keep on marbling--you folks should too:white-flag-25:.


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3 minutes ago, CharlieT said:

Of all our Akros, here are our only 2  9/16's corkscrews. 


Did you have to squeeze the calipers CharlieT?😁.

I do all of the time--same results:clap2:.


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That is a cool marble for sure, I like the blends and unusual corks.

As for the size 9/16", I just went through a lot of my Akros and came up with this group, with five of them being a size smaller at 17/32".

In the photo below, I suspect that green and orange on the far left as being buffed or polished, so it may not have been that size originally and probably doesn't belong in this group.

There are two patches, one an oxblood.

Make of it what you will, I just love any reason to sort through a bunch of my Akros again 😆


9-16 inch.jpg

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First of all, these are GREAT photos! 

I think that this gray color is an accidental mix of the two colors (in yours it looks like a blue on yellow) and that it happened pretty frequently. There are those here that are far more versed in the glass mixtures, but I can at least contribute a photo.
Here are three, two yellow and blue, and one yellow and green, where the glass mixture resulted in a gray.

Gray mix.jpg

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59 minutes ago, disco005 said:

First of all, these are GREAT photos! 

I think that this gray color is an accidental mix of the two colors (in yours it looks like a blue on yellow) and that it happened pretty frequently. There are those here that are far more versed in the glass mixtures, but I can at least contribute a photo.
Here are three, two yellow and blue, and one yellow and green, where the glass mixture resulted in a gray.

Gray mix.jpg

Thank you!  Those are very cool! I can see exactly what your saying. 

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1 hour ago, Fire1981 said:

So? It's not just Corks. Don't forget Sparklers,Slags,Oxblood Patches,and Egg Yokes. Please add any different Arko's you know of. So !!!!! Start sorting your 9/16 Akro's🔥


That photo is most of the 9/16" Akros that I own, there are 51 total - 46 that are 9/16" and five that are a little bit smaller at 17/32".
That's what I have.

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