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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. Hi Mibstified: I just got around to seeing your reply. I think your marble is similar if not the same as mine. Mine is 25/32, but unfortunately has a couple flakes so not mint.
  2. And Galen, you win the "Most of the Best CACs" award!
  3. Not sure which Bill is "mibstified", but if he reads this--or anyone else who knows--what type is the marble in the 6th photo down from the beginning of the post, in the middle column? Asking because I have one like it and have never known what to call it. It sort of looks like a peach slag.
  4. Oh Ann, that's my favorite kind of marble! I'd be grieving forever too.
  5. Desertbern throws those ridiculous ones in every once in a while just to shock people. It's just a plain old rainbo and everyone knows it, I hope. I think the guy is missing a few marbles in fact. (Going on past experience, not just speculating.)
  6. My avatar is a Blue Bee, now residing with Sami Arim.
  7. Thanks for all the advice. I did go to My Ebay and tried hitting every link that seemed like it would take me to my most recent purchase. Will try again and report back.
  8. As someone who doesn't use ebay all that often either as seller or buyer, it's incredibly annoying that it has become so damn difficult to find links to something as simple as leaving feedback. It used to be simple. Now both I and my husband have spent about half an hour trying to chase down the process of leaving feedback for a seller who recently did me a great kindness. Any hints? (I'm trying not to resort to all the expletives I use whenever ebay becomes so frustrating.)
  9. A couple unusual handmades. One is a sort of green Indian/cloud. The other is a blue cloud type. Sorry for the discrepancy in photo size.
  10. Galen: Was it those "circus marbles" that were decided to be actually German-made?
  11. I've had this marble in with my "spidermen" types for a long time but the base color is a soft robin's egg blue and the ribbons are very delicate, not thick at all. Is there a nickname for this guy?
  12. Great handmades cost a lot less in Europe obviously!
  13. I remember reading some heated debates over the term and the rarity. The marbles given this name went for many hundreds of dollars.
  14. Big lots of marbles used to garner huge bids back in the ol' days. I think this was a case of auction frenzy. Seeing the Galaxy (if it was one) must have made bidders hope there were more high end marbles in there. Unscrupulous sellers used to salt a big lot with colorful marbles that often turned out to be Vacors. At least this seller has a return policy that made it a safe enough bet.
  15. I have a CAC American agate that looks exactly like a red tornado.
  16. I looked at and drooled over several marbles but didn't notice any description of condition, just the single photo. Did I miss something?
  17. VTAndrea

    Ppp Thread

    Steph, I love your pearlized patch on blue! It's a beauty.
  18. Nothing more fun than having tons of marbles to sort through and ID! Lucky you.
  19. Before reading Galen's opinion, I thought no way CAC. Ravenswood maybe.
  20. Check the buy/sell/trade forum if interested.
  21. Yeah, I knew that from way back but just like showing it.
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