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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. Galen, I've already done that--over and over. There is no place to put in or edit a phone number. But I can put in a phone PIN, whatever that means, but just 6 characters. Does everyone else in the world have a phone # listed?
  2. Recently I had to get a new credit card and have been in the process of updating my account information on several websites. While doing this, I noticed that Ebay doesn't have any phone number information for me, nor any place to put one on record, just an option to provide a telephone PIN. Am I looking in the wrong place? I have a customer service rep working on an issue for me and he's supposed to call me within 24 hrs. After I hung up, I wondered if he would have a problem calling me back, or if the phone I called on gets stored somehow. No geek explanations, please. I'm totally old school.
  3. I have a clear mica with red "fingers" within the core.
  4. No clue, but doubt Ravenswood. It makes my heart beat faster though. Could it be CAC?
  5. I really think you should sell that green brick to me, Galen. You probably have a few more.
  6. It always astonishes me how much some of these types look like handmade CA guineas. Does anyone know if the company was trying to imitate them?
  7. That's a nice one. I love seeing these unusual popeyes.
  8. It used to bug me that Persian was misspelled in a couple of the marble books as Persion.
  9. I used to be able to find tins and jars full of old marbles in antiques shops. It was so much fun to sort through for treasures. Those days are long gone.
  10. Not one of them came to MY home, Jeeperman! I keep trying to find green or blue bricks.
  11. How do you have it organized, Galen?
  12. The surface of the marble looks absolutely fine under 10X magnification. I don't look with anything stronger. I probably overreacted to the late delivery based on having read comments in the earlier "bad ebay seller" post, but his weird remarks when I asked him for more information didn't help.
  13. Not sure if you were scolding me or giving advice, Ron. The marble arrived today, wrapped well and as described. (Yes, it is indeed mint.) Not sure if I'd buy from him again due to the strange communication. As for feedback, I'll say the marble was as described but the transaction not as smooth as it should be.
  14. Yes, and according to it, I should receive it in today's mail. Will let you know condition if it arrives. What a twisted weird "sense of humor", if you can call it that. Is he Midcapper? (Sorry if not, but I caught the "Bill" and wondered.)
  15. I've been concerned that a marble I bought with "buy it now", sold by desertbern, hasn't arrived after 2 weeks. When I asked if it had been sent, he wrote some insulting reply that implied I was too stupid to check the tracking number. Then there was another reply with gibberish that made me think he thought I was in another country. Of course he was kidding, but I don't know the man and find him extremely irritating. Here's an example: I sorry - my mammy been answerin my mail while I be out in de fields. An how you sayin I is not helpful? Dint I tell where de post office say your marble is? An ifn you don likes it when it do get there just send her on home for a money back! 'don even need no good reason. Ifn you bought er cuz she blue an after writin to me you decide you gonna hate blue from now on - send her back! I don even have to knows why! Thanks again an pleese enjoy your beautiful marble! - Bill - desertbern Here's another: Well then YOU SPEEKEE ENGLEESH VERRY GOOD! I UNDERSTANDEE MOST WHAT YOU TALKEE! YANQUEE DOG GO HOME!!! I was clowning you. I know where Nashaua, NJ is! Heck, I was back East oncet.....Phoenix! lol Your marble get there yet? If not I speckt itll reach er tomorry. Is this lil ol you right down there??? Let me know you get it tomorry - I be so happy! I hop up n down, one foot t'other, pattin my hands together n a whistilin Dixie! Thanks, again Bill Is this guy a mental case or what? (Sorry about the font changes.)
  16. I've had a couple of that kind of marble; think I just gave one away in a group to someone. They are pretty but you have to be looking at it with a glass to see the "oxblood".
  17. Until recently, I couldn't figure out how Photobucket works. Now I know to paste the copied link from my photo in PB onto the URL blank that comes up after I hit that little icon here with the green tree or something inside. I'm sure that makes no sense at all to Sissydear though. It used to be much easier to put photos on here.
  18. The one I got as a "Buy it Now" had multiple images. Haven't received it yet. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=301097689943&ssPageName=ADME:L:OC:US:3160
  19. I just got a bad case of the shivers.
  20. Ah, the old "what is true oxblood" question! Does anyone have a link to that very heated debate years ago on Alan's Marble Connection? Anyhow, I just won a "buy it now" CA flame from this seller and hope it's as good as the picture and description. Just took a look at the "bad sellers" list pinned on the Board of Inquiry and noticed that it doesn't have any seller names since 2011. Did we give up on this, or do most forum members simply ask others about a seller on the main forum?
  21. Wow, I love the photos taken under water! Such a cyclonic effect.
  22. How about those handmade Chinese marbles? I have 4 that Alan Basinet had on ebay. Never see them anymore.
  23. Here's a cool flame marble with green outlined in blue: A 1-inch solid aventurine cat: And of course my avatar, in multiples:
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