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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. Hate to be the naysayer in the group, but I don't know how many times the owner in an antiques shop told me "I have some in a box in the barn", or upstairs, or in a drawer and would promise to bring them in for me to look at. I'd go back and suddenly the marbles had disappeared. I think Greg is right about ebay causing the marbles to dry up. And yes, if indeed there were marbles in a legitimate shop, they were most likely catseyes or clays with a price tag of $50 and up.
  2. He was a genuinely kind, honest and sweet man. Did a few jobs for my beat-up handmades.
  3. And there isn't a seam. You can't see one and the seller says as much.
  4. Just browsing through the so-called Christensens on ebay recently and saw this one. It's attractive, but certainly not CAC unless there are still some guinea types I haven't seen. Is it a Bulgarian mib? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Christensen-Agate-Company-Guinea-11-16-Mint/253481131128?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649
  5. Yeah, I meant to ask about CAC peewee guineas. I wonder who this seller got all the fabulous marbles from. Even the MF Christensen slags looked strange.
  6. This caught my eye today. Am very skeptical. https://www.ebay.com/i/332564690031?ul_noapp=true
  7. Akro used a lot of vaseline glass, so that would be my guess.
  8. Here are a couple Alley flames which demonstrate how favorably that company's best marbles compare with CAC. Then a 3/4 CAC in the classic colors of that company.
  9. Les Jones, aka "Great Marbles", advised me to try always to buy mint examples of whatever I craved. That's pretty hard to do, especially when collecting the vintage handmades. I do keep it in mind however. I once asked him which type he was holding onto for the future and thought they'd become more valuable with time and he said Vitro. As for the answers above, somehow the Peltier comics never rang my chimes. I do still look for unusual hybrid popeyes and would buy more CAC striped transparents and/or guineas if the price and condition were right.
  10. Galen, I've been skeptical myself based only on the fact that I've never seen them described in any of the early marble books as being one of the CAC types.
  11. All the ones shown except for the one I referenced in my post are on a clear base, right? So, the snotties have opaque swirls on a clear base?
  12. Something that has always stumped me. Exactly what is this and is it truly a CAC type? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Christensen-Agate-Company-Blue-Snotty-19-32nds-Mint-052617-32-CBM/192377842183?hash=item2cca9cea07:g:DrEAAOSwd~RZVQkK
  13. Wish Bill would post photos more often. They always made me drool with envy.
  14. I'm not an expert, but years ago I remember someone saying the pinkish color is caused by light exposure.
  15. Very few really fabulous ones on ebay lately. Well, Christensens anyhow.
  16. He was a free spirit, loved his animals and nature, hated political correctness and helped many of us with ID's. As his consignments brought more and more $, the hobby grew as well. He shared a lot of his knowledge and/or opinions on this website, which used to be Alan's Marble Connection, if I remember right. The only thing that didn't work out well for him was buying Running Rabbit.
  17. I think the days when Christensens always commanded top dollar have gone away with the demise of Les Jones ("Great Marbles") and Alan Basinet (Marblealan). Les, in particular, could make a fairly ordinary marble sound like a top dollar one. None of the marbles you've shown in this post are ordinary though. I assume you're amazed that the guinea went for under $400?
  18. I'm where you are, Greg. I sold all my Peltiers and most of my Akros. Will keep my Christensens (for now) but would like to sell my Vitros. Like you, I didn't make a "profit". Who keeps track of all the dollars we plowed into the hobby? But I did reasonably well. I think Sami Arim should send me a free copy of his Peltier book in return for my allowing him to buy my Blue Bee!
  19. Finally, here's a photo of a VERY old Leighton type I found at a flea market (never have found anything even close at a flea market!) that was very damaged, but the gorgeous colors and "9" are incredible. I sold it quite a long time ago. And last, here are a couple Vitros with oxblood V's, not so hard to find but cool nonetheless.
  20. Here are a few of mine. First photo is a Leighton type purchased at a show that came from Hansel DeSousa. One of the most colorful handmades I own. Check out the 9! The second is a clear oxblood by Akro. Hard to find! The third is also a handmade oxblood in clear glass with nice swirling.
  21. Yes. Zaboo thinks it might be Vitro. I was starting to lean toward Master Marble sunburst but Dani sees so many more marbles than I do....
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