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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. These marbles are also pictured on page 12 of the same book "David's JABO Renaissance".
  2. A little over a week ago, I received a gift package from David McCullough. I was so thoroughly surprised and upon reading the note inside could not stop being emotional over the package. I called a friend to tell them about the gift and still could not stop my voice cracking and tears spilling down. These marbles are rare. Not many were made as they too were experimental. David must have sent somewhere around 100 of these and also sent some Last Dance that Dale Simmons put together and asked him to send to me. Thank you Dale and David. The marbles are much appreciated and treasured. The marbles i will show you were made March 26 and 27 of 2008. They were made by David McCullough and Sammy Hogue. The name of the run is "Sammy's Sparkle" and sparkle they do. Each one has mica, aventurine, and oxblood in some. In the top right hand corner, there is oblood and aventurine. Some of these marbles are already included in the book "David's JABO Renaissance". They are pictured on page 15 and discussed on pages 13-17. It's an interesting read on the work of David McCullough and Sammy Hogue. It was one of these marbles that was the first JABO 5/8 inch marble to sell on eBay for over a hundred dollars. Edna
  3. Golden Salsa Golden Samba Golden Stroll Golden Waltz Golden Flamenco Thanks for looking! Edna
  4. Gold Electric Slide Golden Fox Trot Golden Irish Lilt Golden Mexican hat Dance Golden Rhumba
  5. The Last Dance marbles with goldstone have now been photographed. We have 15 different families of marbles with goldstone. I used 3 or more marbles in each pic, hoping that at least one in each pic would show the goldstone. I think the scheme worked. There are no new names. The marbles with gold all have a plain marble just like them, but missing the goldstone. Here they are: Golden Betty Golden Blue Tango Golden Calypso Golden Charleston Golden Dolly
  6. That is a bullseye. it also comes with a green eye and a gold eye. Edna
  7. Have you seen the one they blew the sparkly stuff on? I have 5 of those and I like them too. Nice change in the look of the marble. Edna
  8. I like those "big gloppy mica specks". That's one of my favorite eagles. Edna
  9. Maybe it is the wrong pic. I expected to see a spiral. I thought it looked like a remelt. Good eyes you all. Edna
  10. Who is selling that marble? I didn't read real close, but didn't notice it saying "dug" or "polished". Did it say that? Edna Looks dug to me, maybe I better go read again. I read it again. No mention of it.
  11. I didn't know there was a place to do this. The boxes came today for the next run. Time to get started I guess. I'll email you some pics.

  12. Those German hand mades probably are pre turn of the century.
  13. Agreed! Can't be wilder than to find it at the company site or dump. Edna
  14. Either way they are wrong - not turn of the 20th or the 21st. Edna
  15. Can't be morally wrong if they're your marbles and you don't sell them to anybody without telling you polished them. You aren't responisble for what the next person "might" do with them. On the other hand if you knew they were going to pass them off as mint - that would be a different story. Edna
  16. Many years ago I bought some from a seller in Canada. They were from the digs. He didn't tell me that though. They had all been polished, but I like them anyway. Edna
  17. The cateyes are certainly not turn of the century. And there is an akro patch in there probably from the digs, vaseline glass and red. Well past the turn of the century. I've seen dates for Benningtons of 1900-1910. the two German handmades could have been 1850 and more recent - turn of the century. Not sure about the stones, some look very much like the Atlanta marbles that really are not marbles. Edna
  18. Here's another Last Dance that got overlooked: I am naming this one The Wave. The wave is on a transparent base with a white floater. There are ribbons of yellow, olive green aventurine, and oxblood. The marble was given its name by Anthony. (Ant, it doesn't look as much like a wave as columbusrockhound's marble, but I like your name) Seems appropriate to me that the owner of JABOLAND should get to name a marble. Here is one last marble. The marble is on a tan base with green mica ribbons and bubblegum pink ribbons. The bubblegum pink is oxblood. Funny thing about this run. We got oxblood in red, purple, magenta, pink, mahoghany, and dark blue. This marble has been named Minuet by Debbie Amburn.
  19. The Missing Last Dance. I received a large box of marbles from David McCullough on Friday. Finally got through them all last night. I have previously mentioned a marble that I knew was missing from mine. David sent some in the batch of Tributes. This marble is named Bolero. The marble is on a transparent base with a white floater inside. On the outside of the marble are ribbons of oxblood and green mica. The marble was named by board name "iriegl" The marble was named by Debbie Amburn.
  20. Hope you had a great one! Edna and Weldon
  21. As i understand it, Joe made the boxes, took them to a lady he knows who did the laser engraving. We were the last run so somebody in an earlier run may know more about them. Joe only had 3 left which 3 of us bought from him. Edna
  22. Looks great to me. Have you ever made a Chinese checker board? Edna
  23. The marbles you show are beautiful. We've had a few, but don't collect them. Weldon had a sulfide and a large antique with a core and ribbons in layers around it that his grandfather gave him. We gave it to our son (both marbles, that is). We've bought a few to add to our son's box of antique marbles, but don't keep or collect them ourselves. I appreciate looking at them any way. Hope other collectors add to your post. Edna
  24. Dave McCullough can tell by looking at it if it can be used. Generally, small amounts in different colors become muddy looking if used. The cullet that is sold to be used again in marbles is generally a single colored glass and it is glass that hasn't been used over and over again. That's my limited knowledge. Edna
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