The marbles do not have seams. That should be a distinguishing factor. They are swirls, not corks, or NLR's or rainbows. There are occasionally flames, but no seams. There are only certain colors available to purchase and just a limited amount of color combinations. Just admit that no matter what the makers of the new marbles do, You will post negatively about them. Yes, you asked us not to respond to your post, but that never stops you from complaining about the marbles. New people collect them, mostly because us olde fartes have the vintage squirelled away. There is a market for the new ones and there are people who can afford them and can't afford what you collect, We will continue to make them. It's fun, enjoyable, some of us makers also collect them. Instead of your posting the same things any time the new marbles are posted, get a life. Let the people who like them have their fun collecting and the people who get together to make them have their good times being together, recreating an old art form. Too bad no one has invented a way to make colors not available years ago. Then there are only so many colors visible to the human eye. The old makers used every color available to them and so do we.