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Everything posted by jormibnut

  1. Bill: Glad you liked it. See you at Amana. Art
  2. A recent survey determined that the sport of choice for people was as follows: Urban poor: basketball Maintenance employees: bowling Front line workers: football Supervisors: baseball Middle managers: tennis executives?officers: golf The conclusion: The higher you go the smaller your balls become. There must be thousands of people in Washington who play marbles. Art
  3. Another possibility is to do an eBay search periodically by location for Phoenix. If the thieves were local they might try to sell them locally or on the Bay.
  4. Craig: Just wait till you get older and have to pee a lot !!!!!
  5. A current listing on eBay shows the frosting.......... # 270735404274
  6. Often the foggy surface is the result of the marble being in a river or creek where it rolls around on a sandy bottom. I've found a few like that in water. (marbles, not sandy bottoms)
  7. Hi: Yes, I was there on Thursday and Friday. There were 23 or more rooms and mostly steady room trading. Lots of good to great marbles resulting in some serious buying ,including the day of the show. Good marbles, good friends and good food. Art
  8. Very sad news. Everett was a friend to all who knew him. Art
  9. Just a bump. Coming up in two weeks. See you there. Art
  10. That's the ugliest dog I ever saw.
  11. Mark: Thanks for the tip. I tries it and it works beautifully. Now I can scan a page without wanting to take an axe to the screen. Art
  12. Pride of the Prairie marble show Decatur, IL Saturday April 2nd 9AM-1PM or later. Room trading March 31st and April 1st Hotel: Country Inn and Suites Hwy 51`just North of I-72 Phone 217 872 2402 Tables: Chuck Garrett 217 422 8454 E-Mail [email protected] See you there. Art
  13. I sent a detailed complaint to eBay several weeks ago and all I got from them was an acknowledgement that they had received it. It's all garbage but eBay gets its fees so it's OK with them. Art
  14. There are two sizes, just as you've shown. Art
  15. Ann: It always looks grim out of Chicago windows. I lived in Chicago and spent two days and nights at work in '67 because I couldn't get out of the parking lot. Finally walked about 3 miles towards home before I caught a ride on a garbage truck. Then all of the neighborhood shoveled out our street. In almost 15 years I never saw a plow on our street. Grim is right. Art
  16. Have you been mugging old ladies again Craig? GREAT box. Art
  17. It's so good that E(vil) Bay will probably take it down. LOL Art
  18. Are you sure that it's a #350 box? I've never heard of one. Maybe a #250 or a #300? Art
  19. I've probably been to 150 or more shows over the years and I like being able to pick up and closely examine a marble before buying it, or possibly dickering on the price or working out a trade. I also value the friendships that I've built up over the years. That said, I've also bought quite a bit on eBay and from Alan because I trust his grading. I have also consigned to him and found that he often gets better prices than I could get at a show, even with his commission. I've also bought from auction catalogs. If you're a serious collector you use all venues. My current problem with eBay is that most of the sellers don't know a collectible marble from dog doo doo, and I wind up scanning a half dozen pages before I find something to bid on. It's worse than garage sales. But like the old joke about the guy who tells his friend that he's going over to Joe's poker game: His friend says not to go because Joe runs a crooked game. The guy says "I know, but it's the only game in town". Like gambling, marbles are addictive and for many eBay is the only game in town. Enjoy the search. Art
  20. Hey David:........... Get a life!Or is it more fun to piss and moan. Art
  21. Thanks to everyone who helped and offered to help. The box now has several new additions and is decidedly better. Art
  22. Has anyone heard anything new from or about Paul German?
  23. Ann and Marble clueless: Thanks for the replies. How about a trade, 3 red slags for one pelt aqua. I'd also be interested in the feathered dark blue you showed, it'd be an improvemnt over one that I have. How do we consumate the deal(so to speak) Art
  24. Need a little help from my friends I am in need of 3 Aqua Peltier Slags to complete this box. Prefer feathering, but not critical. Buy or trade - what do you need? Art
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