I got that one on the top right 2 1/4 inches....even though I loved it NEVER take a marble to the show that you don't intend to sell...everythings got a price.lol
I got this about 5 years ago from a guy in germany??????who?. Anyway it's fake. I got another smaller one with flowers only. Both from the same guy. Steve
Back in the roaring 20's they didn't even know the different tempature colors melt at and look how chrissys turned out. Wonder what glass mibs is going to look like in 2090. And talk price....First run Jabo's where 20 bucks...At Vegas you could get em for 50 cents (thanks Galen).....lol Steve
Great show, hospitality was unsurpassed. Some nice marbles..held the famous red indian but Tom didn't take American Express. Tom's a great guy and sold some nice mibs. I was waiting for Ernie and Dani to post, think they will be home tomarrow. Just wanted to thank Ernie for everything....c-ya in Seattle in July. Steve
I remember Del...Do you remember me Del? I still got a few of your Vegas box's. hey why don't you bring on a grand appearance next weekend at the Vegas show. Steve
I was thinking that myself......I got it on loan from this underground marble museum curator. I tried to make mine look black but the color keeps comming off..and they call it permanent?????lol. Hey check it out...he got some friends, can U see your's. C-ya in VEGAS baby.......lol Steve