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Everything posted by bigjohn691500

  1. I did a little research when i got these 2 in a while ago,, i found the one on the left is from a game, and the other i hit a road block, i got suggestions that it was possible it an old time carpet ball, not all carpet balls were fancy looking, this brown one looks identical to a smaller version of a bennington mib, same glaze ect, but is not round enough,per say, enough to use as a playtime mib,, now i have a few solid dense mibs as well, not quite as big as these 2 that were use in the laundry system, apparenty they did the same thing as an adjitater does in the modern washers,,, theres a couple ideas that might help you on your quest,, good luck,,bj
  2. ive seen batches of these simular at a sale once the guy worked for a fiberglass insulation plant up here in ohio near toledo, the cold roll mark on them turned me off,, not sure if these are the same but really close,,,,bj
  3. but i hadnt got the funds to buy it,,, just give me some gas money i'll make the trip,,,bj http://limaohio.craigslist.org/clt/4083806167.html
  4. a true definition of a hobbyist and not a profiteer griff,,, i used to sell just enough to pay off what i spent on the marbles,, sold a bunch when i ran into money problems, but dont believe i ever got what they were worth but i was ok with that because im the kind of guy who like selling mibs in groups and feels real guilty for turning a profit on a mib i know i only give a few bucks for, i just as soon give them away to freinds,, my grand daughter has her box grampa put together for her that would make most collectors scratch their heads and say,, why not sell them?,, lolol,, when you get one your kids or kids kids interested in what you do, you dont need to put a monetary amount on it because its priceless,, everytime she comes over she has a blast separating the colors, makes me happy and thats all that counts,,,,
  5. he put a 3700.00 estimate on it,, but the thing with them shows is they only give you estimates, never a final amount when they sell anything in which i laugh at some of there estimates,, they do that just to enhance the tv show,, that one guy Dave, on the other storage wars actually has a law suit going against the show claiming they set up the rooms to look good,, its all about the ratings,,and i'll still watch it i guess, not doing anything else good,,lol,,,,bj
  6. well, sorry about the thread steal but im working on getting better, i won my second appeal and when i did the card came a few days later, that judge musta told them off because now they want to go all the way back from when i was in the hospital in 08, i think,,, lol, im trying to decipher their kissing my ass letter,, im pretty sure when they say they should have done something for me by repeating a Example: this guy VS this guy, in the letter im pretty sure thats a legal term that they did me wrong all these years, anywho, im in the process of going to doctors in hopes it isnt to late, the cardioligist i met with, well, the only 2 words i remember was ticking timebomb and then, doctors will probably run away from me,, lolololol, not to encouraging,,lol,, but i go back in for test in hopes to see if my heart can make it through an operation,, at any rate i have a long road ahead of me, but at least im on a path now, something i can follow,, thank God,,,, ps sorry bout the thread steal Griff.
  7. well, im gonna hafta get the knife out again,,lolol,, everytime you catch a fish i start carving,, still caint paint but love to carve em,, keep it up Griff,,,bj
  8. either that superman looking mib is new or that suckers has a ton of aventurine in it,, looks new??
  9. i have a ca white slag that has the cobra head single strand so what were the single colors?,,, nice bright mib btw,, bj
  10. ,, wow, 1500 bucks for a beat rare mib,, ya gotta love this economy,,,, bj
  11. Folks I cant make this stuff up,, this is the exact reason why i didnt go straight away to the doctors after i won my last appeal,,,, you just cant make this up,,, whats a guy supposed to do now???,,,, im at a loss for words, i was waiting for a card they were supposed to send me after i won the last appeal,, now ive been disabled for the last 10 +yrs, and i got this notice that they denied me for a different reason,, lol, i for one have a big sense of humor but this is rediculiously not funny,, bout ready to give up at this point,,,, bj
  12. man that makes me smile everytime i see it,, lololol, i told you dem eyes lit up in a flash,, looks cool,,, lololoololol, love it,,,,, Thanks everyone, long long road i just hope it isnt to late,,,, bj
  13. I just recieved a letter in the mail stating i won my appeal,,, prayers were answered,,, have to wait until they send me the benifit info but i got the judges ruling today,,, Thank God,,, bj
  14. green mibs, never cared much about brand, jus love the color, thats how I started,, then i branched out a little,,but you all know that about me,,, lolololol,,, bj lol@ mon made me smile tnx
  15. Thanks, long time,, missed u around here,,,, hey i went to local pharmacy today to pick up anti flu stuff,, mask, gloves,hand santizer, ect,,, i get up to the counter and the lady is blowing her nose checking out people, first thing i thought is oh crap, here we go, i went to other cashier she stated she had a cold as well,, double crap,,, i cant afford to get sick right now so ,, lolol, i rang my items through myself ,, lolol, swiped my credit card through told her to keep the receipt, got out in the van and doused everything with the hand sanitizer,, im trying like heck to not get this bug going around,, lololol, but as bad it is i dont think im gonna get around it,,,, crap,,,, lololol
  16. Thanks stacy, apparently i dont qualify for anything, you have no idea what im going through and i dont wish it on even my worst enemy,,, That said i have the appeal hearing set for the middle of this month,, one thing ive learned about this,,, when you first sign up, they do a phone interview with you at first to ask a bunch of questions and 2 of the questions would have gotten me coverage right away,,, the first question asked,, Do i see halucinations or dead people?,,, lololol, i actually answered this question no but i wish my blasted sister would show up to give me the powerball numbers,, she laughed,,,, second question asked,,, do you feel like or ever felt like committing suicide?,, again i answered that one,,, no,, told them i dont need to have that feeling because im in serious trouble enough to die otherwise,,, i am the only one that chuckled with that answer...,,, maybe i should have answered them different,, lolololol,, also though of buying a rubber gun and walking into a bank,, not my style really,, lololol,, i just hope this appeal goes well, i really wished i knew an attorney because when i was first disabled back in 2001 i was actually on medicaid and 3 days away from having this hernia taken care of, pre op surgeon said it could be done no problem, then, i got a phone call stating that my coverage was cancelled, just before surg day, so i have suffered all this time with this and never could afford the insurance or cost of the operation, believe me ive tried just about everything just shy of starting my own web site with pics showing whats going on,really hate begging, you can, ask steph shes seen it, it aint good,,,Im not sure but should anyone have to suffer so long? thats a long time to go on without a normal life, i look back and wonder how my life would have been better had they just taken care of it back in 2001,,,, still shaking my head,,, very tired of being sick and tired,, i have to move forward somehow, love you guys,, big giant hug, (manly hugs to the guys),, lol
  17. Thats ok, trust me ive been trying to go the easy route my whole life,, its just easier,, but its got me no where,, im almost believing in the term natural selection,, these words are meaning more to me than before for some reason. I contribute absolutely nothing to society per say and i normally would think its just par for the course and move on, but im at the point right now where its no way to live. i tried to get on medicaid 10+ yrs ago when i got disabled, had it ,but lost it due to the Bush "we wont cut medicaid" term, well he didnt cut medicaid he just raised the standards for recieving it and i fell just over the limit and lost it. many years ago i used to work for a big soda pop company, i worked my way through the warehouse to machine mechanic to having a route,,, this was in the worst enviroment and in my opinion it was worse than working as a roofer on the equater... For years i busted my back lifting distributing, merchandising ect ect to a point where it was just beating me and every other guy that had a route in a way where all of us were waiting for the next step,, being a salesman,,, i went through interview after interview and always got turned down even though my route grew by 5 times since i took over it,, I couldnt figure it out, i was a distribution monster, i even got trophies at the end of the year that would make anyone proud.... now im telling you this to tell you why i think i did not get the sales job... at the interview they gave they asked all the main questions, i answered them just as they should but one last question was asked that seamed out of place and it wasnt until years later i realize what i did wrong,,, the question they ask me and everyone else was,,, If you dont get this sales position will you still go on doing the job your doing now?,, and i always answered yes because i actually took pride in my accomplishments so it was the right answer from me,, but i believe it was the wrong answer for the interviewers, you see there really isnt anyone more qualified to fit into a sales job than the route guy that is there everyday and knows all the accounts. I was noticing that the guys that were gettng these sales jobs were the guys who's bodied were breaking down, either bad back, or just worn out,, that last question that was asked ment the company either had a good route person or an experience salesman. the learning curve had been waived because there basically the same job, the only difference is one kills his health the other pushes a pen to take orders and just talks to people,, the soda sold itself.... whats my point,,, i always took the easy way out by insuring that i had a job weather i was killing myself doing it or not,,, well,, im at the point in my life where my body is broke down, im almost gone so i have to answer that last question very different than im used to and see what happens. the thing thats been bothering me the most is , all they had to say to me,, we will accept you just when you get a copy of the birth certficate send it in,,, it makes no sense why they would deny me with that being the only reason.. it dont make sense and im ready to go to this appeal and confront the panel and find out,, what do i have to loose?
  18. still here,, lost internet for a little,, got my second denial for medical help, apparently a drivers license and a copy of my ss card wasnt good enough to prove i was a us citizen, i havent been asked for my birth certificate for like 30 years so i had to order another from another state where i was born,, well, they have to send a form, then you send it back, yaddah yaddah,, i finally got it but wasnt in the time frame they(medical help people) wanted so instead of saying, we will accept you with a condition of me getting a copy of the birth certificate to them , instead they flat out denied me,, so this one i could appeal so i did, they called me to confirm, and read on the note that i sent about having to order the BC, so they suggested i re-applied instead of appealing,, im not sure why, the first time around was pretty hard getting all the info they wanted, so im debating weather to go ahead with the appeal instead of reaplying, i have the BC now so you'de figure thats i would need to bring to the appeal... big political mess,, very discouraged, angry, frustrated,, what else is there,, yea and pissed off,,, never was good at paperwork, i thought i did a good enuff job with what i sent in,,,,,, sorry for not responding to emails, im just really upset, especially this time of year..... Thanks for your prayers i still need them bad... bj
  19. im extremely thankful for the kind and generous people on this forum, im not sure what ide do without your freindship,, God bless you all,,, bj
  20. well, this was the bonus to step one of my goal, my daughter is with me now and my other daughter brought along the grandkids,, if this dont jump start your heart you need to check your pulse,, gampa hasta start teachin that kid how to fish, this is quintin(7 months old now), the newest grandkid, oh what a up lifting spririt this will give ya,, on to step 2, fingers crossed i get that insurance,,,, ive always collected color mibs as oposed to brands or companies,, i love the green mibs and thats been how i always collected, the other mibs i get i have are just a bonus i guess,,bj
  21. Mike, i carved you last winter before i ever knew what you look like,, lol,, i named him old man river,, my gosh it looks like twins,,, wow,,, bunch of fine looking folks in here, grand kids coming up this weekend i'll see if i can get a pic of me taken with them,,, Mike,,, wow,,, lolololol,,,, bj
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