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Everything posted by bigjohn691500

  1. well, how freaken cool is that,, i'de keep it that way, it just looks cool,, nice job, bet that was hard,,, j
  2. that my friend is the truth,toward someone who scammed me into believing she married me for love, lets not ruin your thread with my problems, i can change that if it bothers you that much,, marble on
  3. he didnt mean literally sticking a feather up your dairy-air,, lololololol, that would be, well,, just wrong,, ,, with such nice mibs, i would never have that much hostility, but i'm an idiot who just loves the game i guess,, you have a great collection.
  4. what a nice looking group of mibs, man, love love the pics keep em coming,, thanks,, bj
  5. 100% popeye if it has clear glass,, its just a glower,, put it under uv light,, not sure about the 4 colors though they look like bleeds,,, nice mib,,, j
  6. thats why i always said there should have been a company called,,, cool marble company,, lololol, 3/4 of what i have left would fit right in,, lolololol
  7. ok im going to just throw this pic out there,, i put down my carving tools and went on a search for that mib i was talking about,,,, the one i have doesnt have the pronounced brown line on it but its there,, this is why im not sure what yours is, alley or pelt,, in this pic below there is one pelt in the mix which one?
  8. you always have all the fun duff,, man im a sucker for that kind of advertising,,, i know its different but you should see the bull fighting posters i found one time, worthless but still cool,,, the artwork on yours is neat as heck,, bj
  9. i have no idea, but the looks of the broken corks and complete turn a rounds,, i still have no idea,, i do have one simular but different color,,, wish i could help out,,, bj
  10. my 3rd Grand Kid,, wow what a little chunk he is, weighed 10 lbs 3oz.. 21- 1/2 in long,born March 30th,,,, wow,, thats a big healthy Boy, she named him Quinten, i know im spelling that wrong i always do,, lololol,, what a lil cutie pie he is huh?
  11. stunning photos,, its like you can reach your hand right through the screen and grab em,,, nice Pelts,,, bj
  12. ^^^^ lololololol,^^^^ ,,, very nice batch you have there
  13. yea thats why i called it mad money,, i know money its tight but what if?,,, its ok, a failed attempt on my part,,ok to delete the thread,,,, sorry
  14. 10 dollar mad money buy in,, paypal it to someone other than me because right now im broke or close to it,, you get one shot its 10 bucks,, the person will have to buy all the tickets in their state and scan tickets,, there has to be a cut off time lets say 2 pm friday afternoon , this is so who ever does it can scan all tickets for everyone to see,, if 25 people sign up and pay thats 250 chances at hitting the jackpot,, 500 split 25 ways is,,,, alot,,,i would do it but i can only draw out 200 bucks at a time via paypal credit card so if this slows to a stall here by friday or even picks up i dont have enough to buy the tickets,,, im in for 1 shot 10 bucks,,, i hate being poor but i dont need all 500 million,,, lol just imagine if one of us hits it, marbles would be on the front page of every newspaper,, yahhhhhh,, smile you can gift the money through paypal no fees, i dont think we need a trust worthy ticket collector and i can help if you need it
  15. Mega Million jackpot is up to 500 million ,,just asking if anyones interested, i pm'ed lou to get the ok, but hes probably busy and time is running out. sure would be nice if we could all increase the odds of winning that big beast as a group... speak now next drawing is friday,,, bj
  16. see that i learn something new everyday,, i honestly always thought smitty had a hand in naming this type,,really,,,,bj
  17. Thank you steph,,, he deserves it,,, any man that can love a past time favorite as i belive he did and pass on knowledge to others is ok in my book,,,, Rest in Peace marble friend,,BJ
  18. great mibs Rich,, i am partially fond of 5 and especially 6 ,, what the heck is that beast?,,, nice score,,, bj
  19. i thought at first when i seen this, scratched my head i thought,, reincarnation?,, hmmmm,, but after thinking about it I do believe Art needs a different thread,,is what is ment here,,, Give a legend his just due,,, may he rest in peace,,,, bj
  20. pretty darn cool if you ask me,, nice to see you again duff,,,bj
  21. Jill, looks like your having all the fun, in more ways than one,, love love the mibs,, and if cats came without the smell i'de have one, i love dem to my brother has 2 cats and his cats do not like using the litter box and man i think they've ruin there house personally,, never told him that,,
  22. do your lips hurt from that pucker?, lololololol,, just kiddin mike,, i need my morning hacky hack cough to get started,, lolololol
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