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Everything posted by bigjohn691500

  1. stunning photo,, and yes, that was a tiger eye,, messed up and put it in with the Vitro's, that was a very cool mib, im glad you got it,,, bj
  2. hit that guy with a light source and see if that dude is a darker green,, if not, you have a hybrid deere and you may call it what ever you want,, lol,, bumble deere?,, at any rate that is one cool pelt,,, bj
  3. I'm early but i have looked through so many mibs this past week i'm going to bed finally,, lololol,, this is my version of the birds,, hope you all have a great holiday,i know im a day early,, lol,,, bj and a more conventional one, show your Turkey's everyone
  4. The far right mib is i think one of the alley's,, it isnt mint but i got one,, lol,, still looking around here for great mibs,, check the buy sell forum for mibs for sale,, and as always Thank you for looking.,,,bj
  5. nice,,, you will have everyone going through their game marbles i'll bet,, i know i will be, lol,,j
  6. check the lounge forum, and yea thanks dakodiak, there up for grabs, i need the money bad,, thanks
  7. just noticed your lure thread, i have some if your interested i have to dig them out but i can get a group around if your still interested,, bj
  8. 1st one ive seen, and ive been doing this for a long time,,, nice,,bj
  9. i for the first time in months went into my PM mailbox and noticed alot of personal PM's sent to me and i never responded,, i always thought your supposed to get an email or a pop up when a new one arrives, but not only that if 2 people pm you around the same time you might read one and over look the other,,, and i have to apolagise for not answering you, i have them in my box from in 2010,,, im not a smart man in some areas, so again im sorry,,,, bj
  10. thanks steph,,, picture are up,, i dont usually sell mibs so if im off base on pricing dont be afraid to ask,, thanks,, i really need this
  11. biggest mos i have is an inch, so yea , wow, nice find,, i do have a conqueror thats a big ole 1- 1/16,, that looks to be in great shape to,, bj
  12. also i have seen some cool pelt bananas in my day but that mib is the bomb, never ever seen one with fibers in it,,,, nice
  13. i dont have them in that size but i do have a bunch of them in 5/8 ,,, 7/8 would be extremly rare because they were mixed in with common vitro,, and little does anyone know, is the blue base caged cats come in different colors,, theres red, blue in blue,, and yellow,, heres the red,,,bj
  14. david, i have a vintage mavica camera is the only reason i didnt have an answer for this thread,, but i was watching the HSN chanel the other day and they had some good looking camera's, the key to taking great pic with digital is to make sure you can get up close and pesonal, some of the cheaper cameras dont have a very good macro function,,, the closer you get the better off you'll be for crystal clear photos, hope this helps a little,, bj
  15. trying something here, should work if you have media player,, this is a test http://s89932188.onlinehome.us/PhotoStory2.wmv
  16. some new ones i just got in, kokomos and a sub rainbo,, some others,,enjoy,, bj
  17. love the colors are the chains attached to it mike?,,,j
  18. i dont see any writing on the box, if not for bert selling i would begin to wonder if it was made up,, j http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alley-Anacortes-Saleman-Sample-Box-RARE-ONLY-2-KNOW-150-Marbles-PRICELESS-/330639356940?pt=Marbles&hash=item4cfba4340c
  19. he says someone stopped in and told him that Kokomo started to make marbles again, i said, well i dont think so,, but i guess i was wrong,, there might be a thread for this topic but somehow i missed it, take a look at some of the mibs for sale on their website,, cool,, learn something new everyday,, j http://www.kog.com/index.php?subcats=Y&type=extended&status=A&pshort=Y&pfull=Y&pname=Y&pkeywords=Y&q=marbles&dispatch=products.search
  20. not working right now i tried it and it says it wont take files over 500k and i tried about 25 photos and nothing worked,, so system problem i believe,, j
  21. hadda stick to something otherwise its an oxymoron name on the header,"Free when you buy this package" lolol,,, lol,, j
  22. i responded to this thread yesterday somehow it got disappeared, but wow,, what a hoard,, makes ya wonder what box set them came from to have so many shooters in one group,, that would take me 10 yrs to find all them to match,,,, wow,,, bj
  23. oh snap dont get Galen started but hes was right,, this is listed as Christensen,, whoever it is reads these boards because alot of the buy it nows went away,,, bj
  24. To much heat causes alot of the problems, bubbles inside are ok bubbles on the outside are considered "as mades" and depending on the specific buyer it will decrease the value if there is alot of pops, pinprick pops can be over looked but when they look like this they are oddities and its best to find a sling shot and have fun,, surface condition is what mib buyers look at to base their price range,,,bj
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