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Everything posted by bigjohn691500

  1. sweet find so close to home duff, do they have a name?,,,bj
  2. maybe a st. mary's cat cross threw, the red looks faded a bit, cool mib,,bj
  3. Maybe this will help, maybe it wont,, personaly i dont know him
  4. ive actually seen cheep paper weights with this design, it could be someones attempt at making one of them into a marble via torch,,j
  5. maybe a jelly core them seam to get a lil fat inside , dont know other than that ,alot of possibilities,,,j
  6. These sure dont look like much but they were given to me by a guy who went by FIRExxx,, forgot the numbers,he used to post on this forum and had the most awesome Pelt collection one could ask for man i miss him, these have been sitting on my top shelf for a couple years or so since he sent them,, he may or may not know it but they make me smile everytime i take them down and look at them,, i wish life were that simple, jeepers we all would be better off,,, thanks again Fire,,, bj
  7. sounds like a buyers market, wow, if you put that same lot in my area the owner would be rich, seriously,,, nice finds Bob glad you did so well,, Bj
  8. oh my Gosh you done did it dang it,, man them are pretty,, and you guys know i love the greens, man,, i am seriously in love with that photo,, wow,, Thanks alot for taking the time to put the lot together and posting it,, weather i say it or not i love the post like this,, bj
  9. Nice pick-up,, the one i have has a Pettibone metal label on it,, very cool item and history behind them,, wished they worth more, lolol,,,bj
  10. i seen this when it posted and i guess i waited til everyone else chimed in,, gosh, sorry i have nothing to add, but ya gotta admit it is an interesting mib,,, bj
  11. wow,, oh man,, i like them, the colors are off the hook cool looking,, Thanks for sharing,,, bj
  12. Great results, congrats,, thanks for showing it here on the marble connection,,, bj
  13. sounds like a full time fun fest, go have ya some fun we'll see you when you get back,, stop in occassionaly i always enjoy your post,,, bj
  14. i picked these up from a friend, the orange slag was a surprise, the white slags dont look like much but they are cool 9's,,, not much for the top shelf collectors but for whats its worth they made my day,,,bj edited to ad i know these arent flea market finds but it saves another thread.
  15. all the auction houses in my area charge 25% to sell and it does not include world wide coverage,,j
  16. prices are up on line now, at least im seeing them on my screen,, anyone else,,j
  17. it looks as if yours might have a lil bit more bling bling,, but nailing down a certain manufacure is tough w/o makers marks,, their just called TV lamps,, good book good read,, alot of these came from Sears, so if you can nail down a Sears catalog from the 50's you might get more info,, hope this helps,, bj
  18. i have one zackley like it as well,,, let me find my tv lamp book and i'll scan the page,,, bj
  19. man am i jealous , i cant wait til my son comes over this summer so we can go fishin, my borrowed motor for the boat was recalled so i hafta figure that one out,, looks like everyone had a blast,, just awesome,,, bj ps. -- love the no smoking sign photo,, thats Griff,,, lolol
  20. given that description Chuck, i'de say they all are kokomos if i was insane enough to fall into this trap again, i started a kokomo thread every year for a few years and got shot down big time,, i'll give you this, the colors sure are different,,, man i shouldn't touch this thread with a 10 ft pole,,, lolol,, bj
  21. actually i have 2 now, as a matter fact its her birthday today,,This is Shyanna, 6yrs old now,Shylee has a special box of Marbles that I have been showing her since she was a baby,, she came to visit me after about a 1 yr and a half and the first thing she asked me is , "Grampa do you still have my Marbles",, lololol,, gotta love how she remembers after such a long time,,, wow,, thanks all, im proud of them,,, bj
  22. Sorry for this off topic post but a Grampa has to do what a Grampa does,, This is Ally, my youngest Grand daughter,, she so sweet,,, bj
  23. Bahahahahahahahaha,,, oh snap thats a good one, lololololol,,, nice,,bj
  24. great info so far, just a start in my opinion,,, also, they laughed at me when i showed this old beat up orange mib, but i figured it was special, lololol,, bj
  25. if you look at Hansels box its spelled persian, i see what your saying, bad bad spellers,, they need Monk to proof read, lol lol,,, steph mine is 11/16 in,,,,,bj
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