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Everything posted by bigjohn691500

  1. i dont know if you guys/gals like these updates, but i do because we still need prayers, chris is the father of 2 of 3 of my grandkids, shawna and him were supposed to get married at some point, so this has been very trying for her,, Update 10 minutes ago, We really need your prayers right now. I keep posting the positive stuff they are telling us from the hospital, but with the good comes the bad. He has stopped responding to commands. I'm not sure if it's from the sedation or if it's from not being able to function. They did another cat scan, but they have not come back with the results. His temperature continues to spike up, and his blood pressure keeps going up. If you believe in miracles, we are asking for one now.
  2. update as of an hour ago,, thanks again guys and gals, it means alot,, hes really not that old,,, i guess theres going to be heck to pay because he went to one hospital and they told him there was nothing wrong so they sent him home, later he got worse so they took him to a different hoapital and they life flighted him to morgantown,, i have no idea what that means,, hospital,,, this is the latest update Just letting everyone know that Chris still has a fever but they are going to help him to cool down with a cooling blanket. she added: So, I was trying to play some videos of quintin and ally for Chris and he started breathing faster and stronger. I wish there was more I could do.
  3. updating as they come in,, wow, thanks to all of you,, this could have went the wrong way fast after surgery, not sure of what his motor functions will be after what they had to take out of his head, but this last update is better news This morning I went in to check up on him and he was trying to pull the tubes out of his mouth. I knew he was stubborn. He was also opening his eyes up without commanding him to. I'm so proud of him.
  4. Thanks everyone, my daughters having it rough,, another update(below), its looking better, still not out of the woods yet,, long road ahead of them, i just hope she can hold it together,, Chris opened his eyes for me! I'm so glad. He's fighting so hard for his family and his babies. I love him so much.
  5. im getting updates when they come in, this is from my daughter: Chris went through surgery. He is in critical condition right now. They are doing an MRI to see how much damage was done because they had to remove some brain matter. They said that he had the stroke two days ago... And this could have been prevented. They do not know if he will make it through this.
  6. This is my newest Grand child Quinten(sp), his father my future son in law had a stroke this morning after an illness they tried to find, hes in surgery this morn and i just need prayers for him and my daughter please, Thanks,,bj
  7. well according to his past sales which total 998.90,,, i'de say he's doing something right, ive had mibs in the buy sell forum for months and no ones been buying any of them lately,,, hes got to be doing something right,,,, just saying,,, j
  8. maybe hes been collecting mibs for so long he dont know what the values are, just fishing,, they are pretty beat up though
  9. ya gotta admit that first one is cool as heck, man ,, me likey,,,lol,,j
  10. dont read my earlier post i have no idea what im talking about,, ps my name isnt jason its john
  11. well i guess im a liar, if i could only get into my old crashed computer i actually had pics of the group,, he told a story how he fought with airlines because they wanted him to check them in as baggage and he refused because of the monetary value of them,,, pretty sure them were the bigguns like yours but, i cant prove it because of that dang crash i had,, so call me a liar i guess,, j
  12. number 9 has some of your bigguns http://www.joemarbles.com/4Marble%20Shows/Marble%20Show%20Pictorial%20Pages/Decatur%20Marble%20Show%20November%207,%202009.htm
  13. Les Jones had the biggest collection of these monsters, he brought them to a Kokomo show one time, it was fun just seeing them but a bonus was Les let me hold them, sounds weird but when you have something this rare let alone a big collection of them you have to indulge yourself a little,, j
  14. nice box, the 3 on the right are peltier mibs, 4 and 5 for sure number 6 cant tell, need a shot of the seams,,,j
  15. i found one of the pics i had of that find i had,
  16. i believe them are from a set, i bought some like that a few yrs ago all at once, the only ones that arent there are the bluebloods, look for aventurine in the yellow/black ones,, nice find,,,j
  17. agree old,,, prolly need to add him to your blocked bidders list before you have problems with him,, just saying,,j
  18. i spit my coffee out this morn when i seen number 4,,, lolololololol, man i needed a laugh like that,,
  19. thought this was funny just wanted to brighten someone elses day
  20. now thats just plain cool,,, i like it,,j
  21. lolololololol,, oh man,,,, was that a 15 yarder remark ,, lolololol,, to funny,,, sorry mike,, lololol
  22. now theres a photo that wont leave my head very easy, thanks mike,, lolol, too funny,,, j cant believe you would need proof of a statement i made, all i was saying it would be fun to make mibs off of it,, you tied me into a response i didnt ask for,, flag for unsportman like conduct,, bahhhh
  23. make your own exotics, that would be fun,,, nice,,,j
  24. and look at that steph, they named them after you in your honor,,, lolol,, stinking thief's
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