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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. These 2 lutz are very nice👍👍👍
  2. We visited Westport, WA maybe 10 years ago. The condo we rented had beach erosion almost to the walkway. Everyone was screaming “climate change”. Walking the beach we saw tree trunks buried 10+’ below the surface. Wonder how those got there???🤯🤯🤯 the condos were built on a sand spit, no idea how it ever got approved for construction.
  3. I have to admit, tequila helps a little🥴
  4. Mine was right up there with you😂😂 sometimes it still goes there, unassisted.
  5. I wonder if the sea level dropped globally…nope! 50 trilliongal/139million square miles is 3.6gal/sq.mi.
  6. All that water in the stratosphere won’t ever reach the ground, will take years to burn off into space.
  7. Has anyone heard of the Hunga Tonga volcano eruption last year? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/23/ryan-maue-on-hunga-tonga-hunga-haapai-submarine-volcano/ Based on the latest analysis, it sent 50 TRILLION gallons of water into the stratosphere. This is above the troposphere, where our weather originates. the resulting impacts dwarf anything CO2 might be doing. This is Mother Nature, and there’s not a thing humankind can do about it.
  8. schmoozer

    My Garden

    No wonder, dropped into the low 50’s, rainy today with a high of 67🤯.
  9. schmoozer

    My Garden

    The retarded artichoke finally bloomed! we have also had strange issues, 2 acorn squash plants are growing like crazy, but every single squash has died small. Same for the cucumber. No bugs we can see.
  10. schmoozer

    DUI stop

    Officer “ Have you been drinking?” me “Yes sir” officer “How many drinks?” me “1 martini, officer”. 🤣🤣🤣 I love Blenko! A 8829L
  11. We are going this weekend. Q has written about this travesty for years.
  12. What do you focus on? I need to thin the herd some…
  13. Haha, I was just asking about a video on Vacor!
  14. Talking to the wife about making a day trip for the show. Our work schedules prevent us from staying overnight. 3-hr drive each way.
  15. Who produced the marbles for O-C?
  16. schmoozer


    Feeling like a wonky Akro 🤔
  17. Block has one listed in his current auction.
  18. Agreed, just covering my bases🙃
  19. I’ve got an 1880’s apothecary jar I was going to put slags in but the conditions is too nice to potentially scratch.
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