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  1. The first photo has a few Vitros and a HG slag, as Art said, but it's hard to be sure about many of them from a single view. The second are simply black game marbles - almost every company made them and it's often difficult to tell one from another. They have minimal value to collectors.
  2. Ric


    That's a wild one. I have seen one before somewhere but I just don't remember where/what. Reminds me a bit of a striped transparent.
  3. I'm not really getting Pelt or Vitro vibes - I wonder about MK.
  4. It might be an Alley - monetary value is probably minimal.
  5. I think the first is likely a hand-gathered Japanese marble - the second may be Akro.
  6. I Agree with the others on #2 & #3 and I think #1 is a Master.
  7. It's a Vitro, a bit of UV-reactive glass is not so uncommon in Conqueror types.
  8. I don't think it's a Peltier. It looks like an Alley Agate to me.
  9. I've seen the broom holders and similar sorts of towel holders but I have never seen one that uses a China marble.
  10. I'm with the MK crowd - Pelt Honey Bees have a transparent amber base - the "honey".
  11. It's always nice to have different colors - they are pretty ones!
  12. No, it did not come with marbles, if I remember correctly. I can put one or two marbles in the chamber of mine and an equal number will be ejected from a stack of playing marbles in the chute - interesting demonstration of basic physics.
  13. I must be the brown/yellow combo and nice lattice that initally saved it. And it was probably the pink on these . . . Kind of a shame they're "underwater marbles". 😄
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