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  1. Imagine taking two colored balls of clay and mushing them together into one larger ball. You should be able to see the interface between the two glass globs on a marble like you would see in the two-color clay orb. Many times there will also be a slight create at the interface
  2. I think it's a nice Multicolor Rainbo.
  3. Sorta like a Fruit Cocktail but . . . ?
  4. The first marble you posted is a slightly odd Type III Tiger Eye (check for AV in the green, I've seen it on these types), and the second is a nice TriLite. In the next group, the blue/orange single might be Akro. Those in the big group look mostly like Vitro Helmets. At least to me. πŸ™‚
  5. I agree with, Art, it's a pretty Alley but not a SSC.
  6. Good eye, Charlie - its an Akro.
  7. @Tommy If yours had more brown on it I would be more comfortable calling it a Strawberry Shortcake. But its a great Alley - maybe more related to the corals. Can you imagine changing that white base to transparent green? Wow.
  8. @VaMarbles It can be a challenge but its important to make sure the photos accurately represent the marble in hand, especially for ID purposes - you can see its the same marble, its just just remarkable how different it looks in the two different settings. I think you'll have to decide if it might be (photos 2) or if its not (photos 1 & 3) a SSC. πŸ˜ƒ
  9. That's a nice little slag!
  10. Does light pass through the base of the left one? If so, what color is it?
  11. Ric

    Blue Lagoon ?

    I am with Fire - it looks like a JABO Classic to me too.
  12. What a difference a photo makes - this looks way closer!
  13. Here's a Sunday Best from brother Bill - his marble, his pics. He loved a good Pelt . . .
  14. Haaha, I think the first marble you posted is an Akro Corkscrew and the 2nd is a Heaton (maybe JABO) and the 3rd maybe Champion (maybe JABO).
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