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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    Red Slag

    No. 0 should be 5/8", No. 00 should be 9/16" and No. 000 should be 1/2", at least by industry standards, which I am pretty sure Peltier used. I think @mibcapper might have a 3/4" (No. 2) Cerise too.
  2. The ones with orange and white look like Du-Lites to me.
  3. This one has his mark etched on it . . . is that what you're talking about?
  4. I'm thinking about Champion.
  5. I wouldn't go there just because it glows. And when identifying single-color Kokomos that are not one of the "special" colors, like that lipstick red, it's important to remember that they are vanishingly rare relative to Peltier Rainbos so it's usually wise to err on the side of Peltier.
  6. I don't think I have seen any peewee MCSs.
  7. I think the second may be Ravenswood and I could see Heaton possibilities for the third too.
  8. Ric


    I am leaning Akro, unless there is any hint of translucence - then I'd go Vitro.
  9. Ric

    MK Cat ?

    Based on the glass and the really "scooped" seam in the second photo, I'd say foreign.
  10. Ric


    I agree, but if I had to guess I'd say Alley.
  11. These are really outstanding marbles - the complexity is amazing. About how big are they?
  12. The first and second are Alleys - the first is very nice, and I am pretty sure the third is Alley too.
  13. Ric

    Blue Zebra ?

    Nice mib, Tommy!
  14. Cool, Art. I'm thinking inserts like that are pretty unusual in a #230 box - but then, the format of the one with the girl on it is less common too - maybe the only inserts that were reinforced with metal were in that particular box?
  15. Ric

    Pee Wee

    Maybe a very odd dug Pelt? Otherwise, I'm not really seeing it.
  16. Very nice, Art! The pouch reminds me of the "V" for victory pouch - does it fit in the insert, which doesn't look like it had marbles in it? Do you know what box/tin the insert is from? The size seems less common to me.
  17. Ric

    Red Slag

    I'd say there's a fair chance it is a Cerise but what do I know?
  18. Ric

    Vacor ?

    Pretty typical for Scott . . .
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