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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    Elite ?

    Thanks for that link to the archives, Chris - man, you have a good memory!
  2. Ric

    Vacor Galaxy?

    It does look a little different than a typical Galaxy, I think, but I am with Steph when it comes to whether the base appears opaque or is actually opaque. Producers can use a lot less pigment to achieve an opaque looking base rather than a truly opaque base, and given that they're usually shooting for the least expensive way to achieve a particular look it makes sense to me that they would do so when they could.
  3. Ric


    Master for me too.
  4. Ric


    Some might argue about the Superior name for this one (not me) because it looks like what should have been a second red ribbon is burnt to a brown color. If you look at the ones Steph posted, there are two red ribbons on either side of the yellow patch. Regardless, I actually like this one better since I'm pretty keen on brown. lol
  5. Ric

    Du-Lite ?

    Nice Superior, Rick!
  6. It's an unusually fancy Conqueror. Whether it actually classifies as a Fancy or an Elite, I think has to do with the color of the base glass. But I forget which is which and I think the definitions are a bit hazy either way.
  7. Ric

    Elite ?

    It's a Tri-Lite, for sure. But what makes a Tri-Lite an "Elite" escapes me - I think that definition is somewhat subjective.
  8. Ric

    Tiger Eye

    It's an odd one, regardless. If the base is transparent, I would say a wacky Type 1 - they are the only type with 3 colors plus white. If that is the case, what looks like a white ribbon was supposed to be a polar patch. If the base is opaque, it might be a Type 4 with an additional color where the second white polar ribbon should be. I hope this makes sense. Or maybe it's not a Tiger Eye. lol
  9. Ric


    I'm thinking Akro.
  10. It might be Cairo, but it looks a little off to me - I wonder about other possibilities . . . JABO tank wash maybe?
  11. Just shy of 15/16". It looks like the run where lutz was blown on but I don't remember which run it was. Any ideas? It's a very cool marble, regardless.
  12. I posted this another thread but it fits here too . . .
  13. That's right, Joe. May as well keep all of the "Peltier Tuesday" marbles in the "Peltier Tuesday" thread, which is now up to 46 pages - it will just keep getting longer (more pages) as more posts are added. 🙂
  14. It doesn't look Pelt to me - might be another foreign marble.
  15. That's a great gift, Tommy! When you say "with these in it", you aren't referring to all of the American marbles in the pic too, or are you?
  16. In your earlier post, Art responded that Vacor Galaxys have an opaque base so this one may be Asian. And you sound like me. I never get rid of a marble I can't ID.
  17. It looks like a Galaxy to me but I'm no Vacor expert so that'll need verification.
  18. I'm getting a Heaton vibe.
  19. It does look Ravenswood to me. Another possibility might be Alley. Does it have a lot of fractures or am I seeing stains of some sort?
  20. Nice, Bill. How big is that divided core?
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