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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Here is a link to a couple of Shimmering Spruces that jeeperman posted. Click on the "March 6, 2014" date to go straight to the pics.
  2. Welcome to the forum, Matt. It does look like an Alley but it is unlike any Shimmering Spruce I've seen. Are you sure that you are seeing AV and not pinprick surface damage or tiny bubbles? They can be deceiving. Here is a Blue Spruce for comparison. And here is some green AV on a different type of Alley . . .
  3. Yeah, you could tap it on one of your front teeth too - totally different feel and sound than glass. But I wouldn't recommend that unless you really find it out in the wild like one of Tommy's stones - who knows where those marbles have been - yuck!
  4. Ric


    I think the UV glow and the opalescence are often unrelated since you can find Vitros with one or the other or both, like yours. But I am not sure if they are always unrelated. I'm sure it depends on which colorants are used. And you probably would get better exposure posting questions like this one in the ID forum. The "Help" forum is more for "technical issues" associated with the function of the forum.
  5. Type 2 Tiger Eyes with a couple of Easter Eggs up front . . .
  6. Ric


    Yes, Du-Lite if the transparent is clear, Tri-Lite if not.
  7. Ric

    Vitro ?

    And that orange and purple color combo is pretty common on those too.
  8. Ric

    Vitro ?

    Looks like it might be Vitro, just all twisted up.
  9. It's a good bag, Tommy. And yeah, their Cat's Eyes can sorta be all over the place. I've always liked the bubbly ones though.
  10. It looks like a stone - Agate. If you touch it to your cheek it should feel colder than a glass marble.
  11. I'll say, Joep - looks like you've been on a roll over there!
  12. Ric

    Last one

    Crazy 'bo, Rick - no name that I know of.
  13. Ric

    Pelt 5

    That's a nice one, Rick! It seems like it should have a name. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what it might be.
  14. Ric

    Pelt 4

    Just a great 'bo, I think.
  15. Ric

    Pelt help 3

    Looks like a Transparent Clown to me.
  16. Ric

    Pelt help 2

    Just a killer 'bo as far as I know.
  17. Ric

    Pelt help

    A sweet Rainbo is what I see - I don't think there is a particular name though.
  18. It is not too uncommon for what should have been a veneer to dip into the matrix on occasion. I have seen it on quite a few marbles that are typically veneered. Think of Phantom Conquerors, for instance, I don't really think that the internal filaments rather than veneer was intentional. The surface vs internal striping on Cosmic Rainbos also seems a bit random.
  19. I'm thinking about that chart Chuck B. or Mike A. made to describe all of the possible color combinations for Tiger Eyes. Does your comment mean that we shouldn't expect to see Tiger Eyes with these "Exotic" color combos?
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