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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I've always liked Tomatoes with eggs . . .
  2. Of course, I meant Exotic but typed Elite - my bad.
  3. Posted up some nice marbles today, Dave. The second Vacor is cool - I really like that creamy peanut butter base!
  4. Nice marbles, William - the second one is great!
  5. It looks like the marble is veneered, which would rule out CAC, I think.
  6. Ric

    Time to Fight

    This is really great news, William. It's gotta be nice to get back into your own bed too! In my experience, a hospital is no place to get a good night's sleep. Congratulations on your success thus far!
  7. What do you mean by pastel colors- just light, or more unusual colors.. There are plenty of reproduction multicolor Benningtons out there so I would urge caution, for sure. As for the burned out marbles, could be MK - They had a large fire in the 50s, I think.
  8. It's a Vitro Conqueror variant as far as I can tell. Is the base glass transparent?
  9. I think that might make the left one a Lemon Lime Ade - nice marble!
  10. Hey William, I thought Tomatoes were Vitros! Nice hand vase - I have a matched pair just like it.
  11. Nice mibs, Tommy. I think the left is an oddball corkscrew. But Akro made many patches and corks with the same color combos. The Carnelian looks like it has the additional color yellow, which is unusual. Does it glow?
  12. The left appears to be a dyed agate. The center looks like an Akro corkscrew and the right one appears to be a slag. To tell if the agate is hand-faceted, shine a bright light on it and look at the point of light on the surface as you slowly rotate the marble. If it's hand-faceted, the point of light will appear to skip or jiggle around. For comparison, do the same on a glass marble.
  13. That's a dandy marble, Joe!
  14. They are slags. The left one looks like a hand-gathered Navarre. The other two look like Akros to me.
  15. Thanks a lot for this, Art. It's the most comprehensive list of the Investor Runs that I recall seeing.
  16. Ric

    ID help needed

    The middle one looks like it might be a double ingot (two smaller marbles mushed into one).
  17. The left two look like Alley Agates and the right is a Peltier Zebra with AV (referring to the last pic).
  18. Ric

    ID help needed

    The outer ones are Akro Corkscrews and the middle one looks like Akro too - it's just really weird, maybe dug. They appear to be in the "Lifesaver" family.
  19. Neat little gift box, Joep!
  20. Nice, Dave, that makes it pretty unusual IMO.
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