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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I agree with Art - it looks more Master or Akro than MK, and it is an odd one.
  2. Ric


    I thought it was a lot like this one . . . Is this marble 3/4" too @Fire1981?
  3. Vitro Tiger Eye - type IV if it's opaque.
  4. Ric


    I think Alley.
  5. I'd guess an odd Vitro.
  6. Ric


    They are just single snake-like stripes on the surface or inside the glass. I don't have pics handy but I'll try to remember to post a few tomorrow.
  7. Ric


    It does looks a bit like a Master but I wonder about other possibilities - let's see what others say.
  8. Ric


    Yes it does but I think it's JABO. Snakes are Akros or Cairos.
  9. Yes, Akro, of course.
  10. Ric


    Another Alley, I'd say - Bacon Swirl.
  11. Ric


    Yes, Baseball style.
  12. I like it too - nice Alley. If it had a little better yellow you'd have yourself an Alley Superman.
  13. Welcome the Marble Connection, Bill, pleased to see you. I retired last year too, after serving as a Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering for about 25 years. Now I mainly work around the homestead, play with marbles, and fly fish when I can.
  14. Ric


    There are a few possibilities with this one, I'm thinking Peltier though.
  15. Ric


    I'd say Vitro Tiger Eye - a little different - nice one.
  16. Ric


    I'd say Alley.
  17. Ric


    Pretty sure it's JABO.
  18. Great Vitro color and a really cool shot! It sort of looks like the marbles are floating above the backdrop.
  19. Treasures I received in trade from Winnie . . .
  20. Cosmic Rainbows . . . The largest is 1 3/16".
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