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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric


    #3's a nice one too - basically, a Vitro Yellow Jacket on transparent instead of white is what I'm seeing, and I'm really enjoying looking at it too.
  2. Ric


    2. Most of all, I'd like to call these "mine". nuf' said. πŸ™‚ I'm with Steph, but I want to add that this marble has the structure of an askew Type II Tiger Eye - correct colors too, IMO. I'm thinking a purple patch surrounded by two equatorial yellow yellow ribbons - imagine it in pic 3. Then, of course, the base has too much white in it. Or, maybe I'm wrong. ☺️
  3. Definitely a nice couple of nice marbles in the first pic.
  4. Ric


    Why not a killer a killer Vitro? I'd keep that marble, myself. πŸ™‚
  5. Nice, Tommy. I look at the marbles and I look at the bag and I think, "Why not, it could well be legit - seems right to me". And then I think, "wow, almost looks too good to be true". And I really hope both are true.
  6. This thread definitely needs to be here . . . And a special thanks to Edna @sissydear for sharing her collection!
  7. This is great stuff, Jeff. Thanks a lot for posting it!
  8. Ric


    These are nice marbles. I really like the R/W/B one!
  9. Let me preface that for you, Art. πŸ˜„ "Because I'm an OG . . ." This OG calls them Champions. πŸ™‚
  10. Type I Tiger Eyes are great marbles. The problem is that there's just no variation.
  11. JABO Joker Rainbow, 10/21/2009.
  12. JABO Joker Ultra Plus, 06/21/2009.
  13. They have to be one of Heaton's best Cat's Eyes, and production models are not that easy to find, at least in my experience. @cheese Do you know about how many of this type came out of the digs?
  14. @Carowill That's a great marble, Bill - love the drool!
  15. You know, I just noticed, it's a little out of round too - another fairly common JABO trait. 😁
  16. Hah, that's what I was thinking too but not nearly confident enough to chime in first. Now that you have, I'll say . . . I agree! lol
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