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Everything posted by Ric

  1. @Melissa Pretty marble, I'm not quite sure what to call it without any exterior decoration. πŸ™‚
  2. I'm pretty sure it's a JABO, Art - pretty common color scheme for JABO and they made lots of them.
  3. @Al Oregon Nice bags! The "Marine Sparklets" are new to me (love the name). They're pretty colors and remind me of the "Marble King" Marine Crystals bag you posted in the other thread. Couple of questions: Do you know who made the "Sparklets"? And do you know if the "Marbles King" Marine Crystals you posted in the other thread were actually made by MK or were they just packaged by Berry Pink under his "Marble King" label?
  4. I recognized these marbles as Heatons for a very long time (had a heck of a time convincing Bill they weren't Peltier) so I was really happy to see the color combination show up in Chuck's dug Heaton stuff. Here's a pic of a dug example he posted elsewhere.
  5. The marbles you're looking at in the last column of my second box are near opaque. It looks like yours has a considerable amount of transparency. Base-wise, I'd say yours is probably closer to the second column in that box. But that's sort of the point Jeff was making, you can find these types with bases that range from near transparent to opaque - yours is more toward the transparent side of the spectrum. Sometimes the bases run from transparent to opaque gray and in other case from transparent to opaque blue - green ones are out there but they are less common. Both Peltier and Kokomo can have lots of bubbles - I wouldn't say one company has a corner on that market. The "lipstick" red on Kokomos is exceptionally bright - you really will not see its equivalent on Peltier marbles. And it's a lot like oxblood (which your marble definitely is not), not color-wise, but for the fact that once you see it in hand you will never forget it. You can get a sense of it on the lower left marble in this little group of Kokomos. I mean it's really an outstanding color. See if you can find a red that's even close on the Peltiers in this thread. πŸ™‚
  6. Of course, people showing off their Vacors are going to pick the cool ones to show. But based on a quick look at Eclipse groups on Google, I'm betting they are still not all that common.
  7. Nice - what are the odds of that happening fortuitously!?
  8. Yes, it seems to me that in most vintage machine made marbles AV probably resulted from the precipitation of copper from copper oxide under reducing conditions.
  9. Isn't AV a precipitate of excess colorants?
  10. I suppose it could be but something just looks off to me - I'm thinking about a "burnt" Vacor Red Tide.
  11. I was thinking more of a "Figure Eight" too.
  12. We just had a discussion about those types not too long ago . . .
  13. There are a few pretty similar to Jeff's marbles in here . . .
  14. I think the first is a Vacor but it looks kinda CAC-ish - pretty nice one, I'd say. Not too sure about the second but it may be Vacor too.
  15. Here's a Royal with light AV in the transparent red patch - a first for me, and tough to capture in a photograph. I hope you can see it . . . if not, just trust me. πŸ˜„
  16. Nice brick and a couple of Popeyes - I'd say you did great, congratulations!
  17. The pink/lavender glass is the giveaway.
  18. I'm thinking maybe Marble King.
  19. Common Marble King Tricolor patch and ribbon - but not as common as the one colors. And you should always look for AV in MK's green. πŸ™‚
  20. Ric

    MK ID

    @Jeff54 Thanks again, I wasn't entirely sure the "Blue Boy" name pre-dated the newer versions - it'd be interesting to have one of each in hand. πŸ™‚
  21. Ric

    MK ID

    Thanks, Jeff. I gotcha now.
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