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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Two out of three already weighed-in on mine - Alley. But neither of them will admit to perfection. lol. You're pretty darn good with the Vitros yourself there, Edna . . . How's Vitro feel to you? -Ric
  2. Mike, the more I look at these the more Vitro they look, mine included. Although, I hope someone else will be able to shed some light on these, since I haven't seen too many of them, and they sure are nice marbles.
  3. Yes Winnie, to the best of my knowledge it is. In hand, it's remarkably similar to the marble next to it. And although I initially thought Ravenswood on both, I was pushed to Champion by folks whose judgment I trust better than my own. lol. -Ric
  4. Hey Mike, Thanks for showing those - nice marbles. I would really like to see a couple of more shots of the one in the center and the upper left. The rest look Vitro to me. When I first saw my marble I was almost sure it was Vitro. But it is really swirled up, and you can't detect any cut-lines without a great deal of imagination. And since I have seen Alleys with similar colors, and had gotten input from a couple of other collectors, I went with Alley. But now that I've seen yours, I'm undecided again . . . so thanks a lot for that. lol. -Ric
  5. Jumpin' Jimminy, Doc . . . those are some sweet marbles! In my opinion, that Chrissie in the third row, second column, is tough to beat.
  6. It looks like an Alley flame to me, Gary. And honestly David, given that marbles with flame-like patterns were produced by a number of companies, don't you think that "flame" is better used to describe a pattern than serve as a specific name for Christensen marbles displaying such decoration?
  7. Nice marbles! Here's a few Alleys.
  8. I'd like to see a pic too. . . the only cats I've ever seen that size are Marble Kings.
  9. Yup, It was a nice show . . . well organized and a great venue. My son and I had a super time. There were plenty of nice marbles, and lots of buying and selling going on even though it was a smaller event. I picked up some real dandies . . snagged this Ravenswood from one of the several walk-ins - it's a killer, even if it is a bit rough.
  10. Happy Birthday Weldon! Sorry I'm late but I have a good excuse . . . I was marbling at the Southern Indiana show. lol I hope you had a great one!
  11. Red, White and Blue it is! -Ric
  12. Here are a few. There might even be some teal in here somewhere. -Ric
  13. Carroll was his name. But he earned little fame. His marbles were not great sellers. And though his business was tragic, his marbles were magic. . . . . . . . . . . Especially, . . . . . . . . . . when . . . . . . . . . . the . . . . . . . . . . lights . . . . . . . . . . came . . . . . . . . . . on.
  14. Handsome little guy there, Bruce . . . doesn't look anything like you. (JK Buddy!) And neat rollers - I especially like the white and red one. It's great to see that somebody still knows what you're supposed to do with these things - HAVE FUN! Great pics too. Take Care, -Ric
  15. I like sorting marbles so much that sometimes I'll mix sorted marbles back together just so I can sort them again. -Ric
  16. Ric


    No doubt, the nicest Alley menagerie I have ever seen! Thanks for the pic, Bill. See ya in a couple of days. -Ric
  17. Wow! Those marbles are absolutely beautiful - awesome colors. Congratulations guys! -Ric
  18. Here are a few pretty cool ones from the wash. -Ric
  19. I'm betting the marbles are even better than the box . . . and that is one SWEET box! -Ric
  20. Ric

    Cairo Novelty . . .

    Nice group there, Steve. Thanks for the photo. Bring them to Vienna if you have room. I certainly wouldn't mind taking a look at them. -Ric
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